Source code for gridtest.client.gridview


Copyright (C) 2020 Vanessa Sochat.

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from gridtest.main.test import GridRunner, GridTest
from gridtest.utils import write_json
import os
import json
import sys

[docs]def main(args, extra): # Default file for grids is grids.yml if not args.input: args.input = ["grids.yml"] input_file = args.input.pop(0) if not os.path.exists(input_file): sys.exit(f"{input_file} does not exist.") runner = GridRunner(input_file) grids = runner.get_grids() # If no name specified, print grid listing if args.input: name = args.input[0] if name in grids: grid = grids[name] else: sys.exit(f"{name} is not a valid grid name in {input_file}") if args.arg and args.arg not in grid.args: sys.exit(f"{args.arg} is not an argument in grid {grid}.") # Print count (length) of a variable, or number o grids if args.count and args.arg: try: print(f"Variable {args.arg} has length {len(grid.args[args.arg])}.") except: print(f"{grid.args[args.arg]}") # Just count of global elif args.count: print(f"{len(list(grid))} argument sets produced.") # Just print the argument elif args.arg: print(grid.args[args.arg]) # Export data to file elif args.export: grids = list(grid) write_json(grids, args.export) else: for argset in grid: print(argset) else: print("\n".join(list(grids.keys())))