Source code for gridtest.main.helpers


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from gridtest.main.generate import import_module, get_function_typing
from gridtest.main.grids import intersect_args
from io import StringIO
import re
import sys
import time
import os

[docs]class Capturing(list): """capture output from stdout and stderr into capture object""" def __enter__(self): self.set_stdout() self.set_stderr() return self
[docs] def set_stdout(self): self._stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self._stringio_out = StringIO()
[docs] def set_stderr(self): from io import StringIO self._stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = self._stringio_err = StringIO()
def __exit__(self, *args): self.append( { "out": self._stringio_out.getvalue().splitlines(), "err": self._stringio_err.getvalue().splitlines(), } ) del self._stringio_out # Restore previous stdout, stderr sys.stdout = self._stdout sys.stderr = self._stderr
[docs]def test_basic( funcname, module, filename, func=None, args=None, returns=None, interactive=False, metrics=None, ): """test basic is a worker version of the task.test_basic function. If a function is not provided, funcname, module, and filename are required to retrieve it. A function can only be provided directly if it is pickle serializable (multiprocessing would require this). It works equivalently but is not attached to a class, and returns a list of values for [passed, result, out, err, raises] Arguments: - funcname (str) : the name of the function to import - module (str) : the base module to get the function from - func (Function) : if running serial, function can be directly provided - args (dict) : dictionary of arguments - returns (type) : a returns type to test for - interactive (bool) : run in interactive mode (giving user shell) - metrics (list) : one or more metrics (decorators) to run. """ metrics = metrics or [] if not func: sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(filename)) func = get_function( module=module, funcname=funcname, args=args, filename=filename ) # Figure out how to apply multiple originalfunc = func passed = False result = None raises = None out = [] err = [] # import the decorators here (currently only support decorators from gridtest for metric in metrics: if not metric.startswith("@"): continue metric = re.sub("^[@]", "", metric) try: gt = import_module("gridtest.decorators") decorator = getattr(gt, metric) # Update func to include wrapper func = decorator(func) # Fallback to support for custom modules except: try: metric_module = metric.split(".")[0] mm = import_module(metric_module) for piece in metric.split(".")[1:]: decorator = getattr(mm, piece) # Update func to include wrapper func = decorator(func) except: out.append(f"Warning, unable to import decorator @{metric}") # Interactive mode means giving the user console control if interactive: print_interactive(**locals()) try: import IPython IPython.embed() except: import code code.interact(local=locals()) if not func: err = [f"Cannot find function {funcname}"] else: # Subset arguments down to those allowed args = intersect_args(originalfunc, args) passed, error = test_types(originalfunc, args, returns) err += error # if type doesn't pass, TypeError, otherwise continue if not passed: raises = "TypeError" else: # Run and capture output and error try: with Capturing() as output: result = func(**args) if output: std = output.pop(0) out += std.get("out") err += std.get("err") passed = True except Exception as e: raises = type(e).__name__ message = str(e) if message: err.append(message) return [passed, result, out, err, raises]
[docs]def get_function(module, funcname, args, filename): """given a module name, function name, argument, and filename, derive a function, optionally deriving an instance first that it might belong to """ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(filename)) module = import_module(module) if "self" in args: # If args provided for instance instance = getattr(module, funcname.split(".")[0]) instanceargs = {} if "self" in args: instanceargs = intersect_args(instance, args["self"]) instance = instance(**instanceargs) for piece in funcname.split(".")[1:]: func = getattr(instance, piece) instance = func # func = getattr(instance, funcname.split(".")[-1]) del args["self"] else: for piece in funcname.split("."): func = getattr(module, piece) module = func return func
[docs]def test_types(func, args=None, returns=None): """Given a loaded function, get it's types and ensure that they are correct. Returns a boolean to indicate correct/ passing (True) """ args = args or {} err = [] # Check arguments first types = get_function_typing(func) for argname, argtype in types.items(): if argname in args: value = args[argname] if not isinstance(value, argtype): err.append( "TypeError %s (%s) is %s, should be %s" % (argname, value, type(value), argtype) ) return False, err # Check return type if "return" in types and returns: if not isinstance(returns, types["return"]): err.append( "TypeError return value %s should be %s" % (returns, types["return"]) ) return False, err return True, err