Proposal Website

Collaborative Working

This is a proposal to make a website that will make it easy to colloborate on proposals! This means:

  1. New pull requests open on the repository are considered proposals in proposals
  2. A new proposal will trigger a workflow to add the draft to the web interface
  3. Pull requests to work on proposals with drafts underway will not be allowed.
  4. Merging a pull request will add the draft as a final in progress state, in which case it can be worked on further via PR.

Closing a pull request will not remove a draft, and we do this in case anyone else finds it and wants to pick it up. Proposal drafts always maintain a link to their last pull request.

Use Cases

I am hosting an initiative, project, or community that is proposal driven, and I want an easy way to maintain an interface of final proposals and drafts. I can use this template to support this functionality.


It’s up to me how to organize my proposals, but most commuities follow some kind of template. As the example here, we focus on a summary, use cases, and then deliverables.


The deliverables for this proposal include:

  1. A web interface that can be deployed with a dispatch event (an automated event triggered by someone)
  2. on PR open, update file on gh-pages with draft state, as long as another PR isn’t working on it
  3. on PR merge, also update file on gh-pages with inprogress state

Opportunities for extension include supporting other templates or different kinds of interaction.


  • Research Software Engineers
  • Web Developers


We will need a GitHub repository with support for running workflows to enable this, which is pretty easy to get since we have GitHub.