Getting Started
The sections in the navigation will show you want components look like, but not how to easily include them in pages! This getting started section will help you to do that.
The navigation is determined by the file _data/toc.yml. There are three levels of nesting, and you can decide how you want your links to look based on it. Let’s look at examples.
A single Link
If you want a single link to a page, you only need one level of nesting. You will need to define a title, font awesome icon, and a url. The example below shows the default link to the dashboard, followed by this page. Notice that pages should be relative to “docs”.
- title: Dashboard
icon: fa-tachometer-alt
url: /
- title: Getting Started
icon: fa-star-o
url: docs/getting-started/
If you need to define an external url, you can do so with “external_url”.
- title: GitHub
icon: fa-github
A link with Children
In the case that you have a link with children, the way that the template renders on the page is with an upperlevel link, and then a subsection (with an icon) and the links below it. We represent that as follows:
- title: Interface
- title: Components
icon: fa-cog
- title: Buttons
subtitle: "Custom Components:"
url: "docs/interface/buttons/"
- title: Cards
url: "docs/interface/cards/"
- title: "Utilities"
icon: fa-wrench
- title: Color
subtitle: "Custom Utilities:"
url: "docs/utilities/colors"
- title: Borders
url: "docs/utilities/borders"
- title: Animations
url: "docs/utilities/animations"
- title: Other
url: "docs/utilities/other"
Note that the “Interface” section has two nested sections, “Components” and “Utilities,” and each has a list of children with titles and urls.
What about the subtitle?
A subtitle added to a child indicates that you want a divider (with that label) directly before the child. Take a look at the navigation on this page, for those sections, to see an example.
Charts are provided by Chart.js, and have been edited to be included as includes.
Pie Chart
You can include a pie chart in a page as follows:
{% include charts/pie.html data="55,30,15" width=4 title="Candy Breakdown" labels="Snickers,Twix,Reeses" %}
Including the chart will also include a card with title, and a dropdown with save button, so we need to provide a column width (4 in the example above, meaning we could fit 3 across). The data and labels should be the same length, and be separated by commas, and the title should be defined.
Area Chart
An area chart is a line chart that can include one or more lines.
{% include charts/area.html width=8 labels="Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec" title="Candy Sales" datasets="Earnings:0,10000,5000,15000,10000,20000,15000,25000,20000,30000,25000,40000" currency='true' %}
You can include multiple datasets, each should be in the format “title1:points1|title2:points2” where a “:” separates the title for a set of points, and then the two datasets are separated by a pipe “|”. The labels would be shared on the X axis by both.
If your dataset is monetary, set currency equal to anything. Otherwise, remove it.
Bar Chart
Finally, a bar chart is easy to include with the following:
{% include charts/bar.html title="Total Revenue" width=12 labels="January,February,March,April,May,June" datasets="Revenue:4215,5312,6251,7841,9821,14984," currency="true" %}
The variables are the same as they are for the area chart!
A card can hold a statistic, a progress bar, or general text.
A single statistic might look like this:
The code looks like this - notice we’ve put them both inside a row. Most fields are self-explanatory.
<div class="row">{% include cards/statistic.html icon="fa-calendar" value="$40,000" title="Earnings (Monthly)" style="primary" %}
{% include cards/statistic.html icon="fa-dollar-sign" value="$215,000" title="Earnings (Annual)" style="success" %}</div>
The same kind of statistic can also be for a progress bar, like this:
{% include cards/progress.html title="Tasks" icon="fa-clipboard-list" percent="50" %}
The main difference is providing a percent instead of a value.
For a group of bars (in a card) you can do the following:
{% include cards/bars.html title="Projects" data="Server Migration,20,danger|Sales Tracking,40,warning|Payout Details,80,info|Account Setup,100,success" width=12 %}
Where each entry in data has three values:
- The bar title
- The bar percentage filled
- The bootstrap type (warning, primary, danger, info, success, secondary, etc.)
A table can be read in directly from a csv file in the _data folder, or yaml if you prefer.
The file in _data/tables/example.csv
is an export of candy from Kaggle and we render it on the page like this:
{% include datatable.html title="Datatable Example" file="table-example" %}
Buttons are easy to include, here are split buttons:
The code looks like this, and if you add a url parameter, the buttons will link there.
{% include buttons/split-button.html style="primary" title="Split Button Primary" icon="fa-flag"%}
{% include buttons/split-button.html style="success" title="Split Button Success" icon="fa-check"%}
{% include buttons/split-button.html style="info" title="Split Button Info" icon="fa-info-circle"%}
{% include buttons/split-button.html style="warning" title="Split Button Warning" icon="fa-exclamation-triangle"%}
{% include buttons/split-button.html style="danger" title="Split Button Danger" icon="fa-trash"%}
{% include buttons/split-button.html style="secondary" title="Split Button Secondary" icon="fa-arrow-right"%}
{% include buttons/split-button.html style="light" title="Split Button Primary" icon="fa-arrow-right"%}