Download Images and Metadata

After installing the som tools:

pip install som

You can type the command som to see it’s usage:

usage: som [-h] [--version] [--debug] {get} ...

Stanford Open Modules for Python [SOM]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --version   show software version
  --debug     use verbose logging to debug.

  actions for som tools

  {get}       google storage and datastore
    get       download data from storge and datastore

Right now the only thing this client does is download data, meaning images and metadata:

Specifically, we query datastore to get some subset, and then use the download links from datastore to retrieve them in Storage. Let’s take a look more closely at the get command:

som get --help

usage: som get [-h] [--outfolder OUTFOLDER] --project PROJECT --suid SUID
               [--query-images] --bucket BUCKET --collection COLLECTION

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --outfolder OUTFOLDER
                        full path to folder for output, stays in tmp (or pwd)
                        if not specified
  --project PROJECT     name of Google Cloud project (eg, irlhs-learning)
  --suid SUID           An suid associated with an entity to find images
                        (default) or query single images (set flag --query-
                        images for the study. Typically begins with IRXXXX
  --query-images        use verbose logging to debug.
  --bucket BUCKET       Name of the storage bucket. Eg (irlhs-dicom)
  --collection COLLECTION
                        name of collection (eg, IRB33192)


Before this will work for you, you need to be given a credentials file, and you need to export the path to this credentials file in your environment. For example, let’s say I saved my top secret credentials in the file /home/vanessa/.secrets/hufflepuff.json. This could be in my $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.profile:


This is important so your credentials are discovered automatically. If you don’t do this, you will get permissions errors (in the family of 400).


If you notice from the help above, we need to have several parameters.

API Call

An example API Call might look like the following:

som get --outfolder /tmp --project som-irlearning --suid IR661f32 --bucket irlhs-dicom --collection IRB33192
Collecting available images...
Found 2 images for suid IR661f32 in collection IRB33192
DEBUG Saving images and metadata...
Progress |===================================| 100.0% 

Yeah it’s a lot of parameters. We try to make this really hard on your memory centers :)