Source code for watchme.client.export


Copyright (C) 2019 Vanessa Sochat.

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from watchme import get_watcher
from watchme.utils import write_json
from watchme.logger import bot
import json
import os

[docs]def main(args, extra): '''export temporal data for a watcher ''' # Required - will print help if not provided name = args.watcher[0] task = args.task[0] filename = args.filename[0] if not task.startswith('task') and not task.startswith('decorator'): example = 'watchme export watcher task-reddit result.txt' bot.exit('Task name must start with "task" or "decorator": %s' % example) # Use the output file, or a temporary file out = args.out # Get the watcher to interact with, must already exist watcher = get_watcher(name, base=args.base, create=False) if out is not None: if os.path.exists(out) and args.force is False: bot.exit('%s exists! Use --force to overwrite.' % out) # Export the data to file result = watcher.export_dict(task=task, filename=filename, name=name, export_json=args.json, base=args.base) if result is not None: if out is None: print(json.dumps(result, indent=4)) else: write_json(result, out)'Result written to %s' % out)