Source code for watchme.command.utils


Copyright (C) 2019 Vanessa Sochat.

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from watchme.defaults import (

from watchme.utils import ( get_tmpdir, run_command )
from watchme.logger import bot

import os
import re
import shutil

[docs]def get_watchers(base=None, quiet=False): '''list the watchers installed at a base. If base is not defined, the default base is used. Parameters ========== base: the watchme base, defaults to $HOME/.watchme ''' if base is None: base = WATCHME_BASE_DIR if os.path.exists(base): watchers = os.listdir(base) if not quiet:'\n'.join(watchers)) return watchers else: bot.exit('%s does not exist.' % base)
[docs]def list_watcher(watcher, base=None): '''list the contents (tasks) of a single watcher. Parameters ========== base: the watchme base, defaults to $HOME/.watchme ''' if base is None: base = WATCHME_BASE_DIR repo = os.path.join(base, watcher) return _general_list(repo, 'watcher', base)
[docs]def list_task(watcher, task, base=None): '''list the contents (result files) of a task folder beloning to a watcher. Parameters ========== watcher: the watcher folder to use task: the task folder within base: the watchme base, defaults to $HOME/.watchme ''' if base is None: base = WATCHME_BASE_DIR task_folder = os.path.join(base, watcher, task) return _general_list(task_folder, 'task', base)
def _general_list(path, prefix='path', base=None): '''a shared function for listing (and returning) files. Parameters ========== path: the full path to list, if it exists prefix: a prefix to print for the type base: the watchme base, defaults to $HOME/.watchme ''' if base is None: base = WATCHME_BASE_DIR if os.path.exists(path): files = os.listdir(path) bot.custom(prefix="%s:" % prefix, message="%s" % path, color="CYAN")'\n '.join(files)) else: bot.exit('%s does not exist.' % base)
[docs]def list_watcher_types(): '''list the exporter options provided by watchme ''' bot.custom(prefix="watchme:", message="watcher task types", color="CYAN")'\n '.join(WATCHME_TASK_TYPES))
[docs]def clone_watcher(repo, base=None, name=None): '''clone a watcher from Github (or other version control with git) meaning that we clone to a temporary folder, and then move to a new folder. By default, the user gets all tasks associated with the watcher, along with the git folder so that removing is also done with version control. Parameters ========== repo: the repository to clone base: the watchme base, defaults to $HOME/.watchme name: a new name for the watcher, if a rename is desired. ''' if base is None: base = WATCHME_BASE_DIR # clone_watcher(repo=repo, base=args.base, name=extra) # STOPPED HERE - need to test this. # Validate the repository address if not'^git@|http', repo): bot.exit('Please provide a valid url to git repository') # if the name is None, use the repo name if name is None: name = os.path.basename(repo) # Ensure we aren't overwriting dest = os.path.join(base, name) if os.path.exists(dest): bot.exit('%s already exists, choose a different watcher name.' % name) clone_dest = get_tmpdir(prefix="watchme-clone", create=False) run_command("git clone %s %s" %(repo, clone_dest)) # Valid by default - will copy over if valid valid = True # Iterate over watchers watchers = os.listdir(clone_dest) for watcher in watchers: watcher = os.path.join(clone_dest, watcher) tasks = os.listdir(watcher) # Check that tasks include watchme.cfg for task in tasks: if not task.startswith('task'): continue task_folder = os.path.join(watcher, task) content = os.listdir(task_folder) if 'watcher.cfg' not in content: bot.error('%s is missing a watcher.cfg' % task) valid = False break if valid: shutil.move(clone_dest, dest) if os.path.exists(clone_dest): shutil.rmtree(clone_dest)