Source code for watchme.defaults


Copyright (C) 2019 Vanessa Sochat.

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The watcher is actually a connection to crontab. This is what helps to schedule
the watched to check for changes at some frequency, and update the files.


from watchme.logger import bot
from watchme.utils import get_userhome
import os
import sys

# environment / options

[docs]def getenv(variable_key, default=None, required=False, silent=True): ''' attempt to get an environment variable. If the variable is not found, None is returned. Parameters ========== variable_key: the variable name required: exit with error if not found silent: Do not print debugging information for variable ''' variable = os.environ.get(variable_key, default) if variable is None and required: bot.error("Cannot find environment variable %s, exiting." % variable_key) sys.exit(1) if not silent and variable is not None: bot.verbose("%s found as %s" %(variable_key,variable)) return variable
################################################################################ # Helpme USERHOME = get_userhome() WATCHME_WATCHER = getenv('WATCHME_WATCHER', 'watcher') _config = os.path.join(USERHOME, ".watchme") WATCHME_BASE_DIR = getenv('WATCHME_BASE_DIR', _config) WATCHME_WORKERS = int(getenv('WATCHME_WORKERS', 9)) # The types of valid watchers (currently only urls). Corresponds with # a folder under "main/watchers" WATCHME_TASK_TYPES = ['urls', 'url', 'gpu', 'psutils', 'results'] WATCHME_DEFAULT_TYPE = "urls" # Parameters not allowed for task clients, set by TaskBase WATCHME_NOTALLOWED_PARAMS = ['type', 'active']