Source code for watchme.tasks


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from watchme.logger import bot
from watchme.utils import (

import shutil
import os

[docs]class TaskBase(object): def __init__(self, name, params=None, **kwargs): # If params not defined, create as dict if params is None: params = {} # Ensure subclass was created correctly for req in ['required_params', 'type', 'export_func']: if not hasattr(self, req): bot.exit('A Task must have a %s function or attribute.' % req) = name self.valid = False self.params = {} self.set_params(params) self.validate()
[docs] def get_type(self): '''get the watcher type. ''' return self.type
# Identification def __repr__(self): return "[task|%s]" def __str__(self): return "[task|%s]" # Parameters
[docs] def set_params(self, params): '''iterate through parameters, set into dictionary. Parameters ========== params: a list of key@value pairs to set. ''' for key,value in params.items(): key = key.lower() self.params[key] = value
[docs] def export_params(self, active="true"): '''export parameters, meaning returning a dictionary of the task parameters plus the addition of the task type and active status. ''' params = self.params.copy() params['active'] = active params['type'] = self.type return params
# Validation
[docs] def validate(self): '''validate the parameters set for the Task. Exit if there are any errors. Ensure required parameters are defined, and have correct values. ''' self.valid = True for param in self.required_params: if param not in self.params: bot.error('Missing required parameter: %s' % param) self.valid = False # Call subclass validation function self._validate()
def _validate(self): '''validation function intended to be implemented by subclass. ''' return # Run Single Task
[docs] def run(self): '''run an isolated task, meaning no update or communication with the watcher. This will return the raw result. ''' params = self.export_params() func = self.export_func() if func is not None: return func(**params) bot.error('Cannot find function.')
# Save Entrypoint
[docs] def write_results(self, result, repo): '''an entrypoint function for a general task. By default, we parse results based on the result type. Any particular subclass of the TaskBase can modify or extend these functions. Parameters ========== result: the result object to parse repo: the repo base (watcher.repo) ''' files = [] # Case 1. The result is a list if isinstance(result, list): # Get rid of Nones, if the user accidentally added result = [r for r in result if r] if len(result) == 0: bot.error('%s returned empty list of results.' % # multiple jsons save specified, regardless elif self.params.get('save_as') == 'jsons': bot.debug('Saving single list as multiple json...') files += self._save_json_list(result, repo) # json output is specified by the user or we find dict results elif self.params.get('save_as') == 'json' or isinstance(result[0], dict): bot.debug('Saving single list as one json...') files.append(self._save_json(result, repo)) # Otherwise, sniff for list of paths elif os.path.exists(result[0]): bot.debug('Found list of paths...') files += self._save_files_list(result, repo) # Finally, assume just writing text to file else: bot.debug('Saving content from list to file...') files += self._save_text_list(result, repo) # Case 2. The result is a string elif isinstance(result, str): files = self._save_str_result(files, result, repo) # Case 3. The result is a dictionary elif isinstance(result, dict): files.append(self._save_json(result,repo)) elif result is None: bot.error('Result for task %s is None' % elif hasattr(self, '_write_results'): return self._write_results(result) # If it's unicode, try encoding, and then fail (repetitive) else: try: result = result.encode('utf-8') files = self._save_str_result(files, result, repo) except: bot.error('Unsupported result format %s' % type(result)) # Get rid of None results (don't check excessively for None above) files = [f for f in files if f] return files
# Saving def _save_str_result(self, files, result, repo): '''a helper function to return a list of files with added string results. We do this twice in the saving function. Parameters ========== files: the list of files to save (returned at the end) result: the result object to parse, should be string repo: the repo to write it to. ''' # if it's a path to a file, just save to repository if os.path.exists(result): files.append(self._save_file(result, repo)) # Otherwise, it's a string that needs to be saved to file else: files.append(self._save_text(result, repo)) return files def _save_list(self, results, repo, func, file_name): '''general function to perform saving a list of content to json, text, or moving paths. Used by save_file_list, save_json_list, and save_text_list. Parameters ========== results: list of results, assumed to be the correct type repo: the repository base with the task folder func: the function to call. file_name: the base file name to use. ''' file_name, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) files = [] for r, result in enumerate(results): filename = "%s-%s%s" %(file_name, str(r), ext) saved = func(result, repo, filename) files.append(saved) return files def _save_text(self, result, repo, file_name=None): '''save a general text object to file. Parameters ========== result: the result object to save, should be path to a file repo: the repository base with the task folder ''' file_name = self.params.get('file_name', file_name) or 'result.txt' task_folder = os.path.join(repo, destination = os.path.join(task_folder, file_name) write_file(destination, result) return destination def _save_file(self, result, repo, file_name=None): '''for a result that exists, move the file to final destination. Parameters ========== result: the result object to save, should be path to a file repo: the repository base with the task folder ''' if os.path.exists(result): name = os.path.basename(result) file_name = self.params.get('file_name', file_name) or name task_folder = os.path.join(repo, # HOME/.watchme/watcher/<task>/<result> destination = os.path.join(task_folder, file_name) shutil.move(result, destination) # <task>/<result> return os.path.join(name, file_name) bot.warning('%s does not exist.' % result) def _save_json(self, result, repo, file_name=None): '''for a result that is a dictionary or list, save as json Parameters ========== result: the result object to save, should be dict or list ''' file_name = self.params.get('file_name', file_name) or 'result.json' destination = os.path.join(repo,, file_name) write_json(result, destination) return destination def _save_files_list(self, results, repo): '''If the user provides already existing files, we simply move them into the task folder in the repository. Parameters ========== results: the results to save, should a list of files ''' files = [] for result in results: filename = os.path.basename(result) filename = os.path.join(repo,, filename) shutil.move(result, filename) files.append(filename) return files def _save_json_list(self, results, repo): '''A wrapper around save json for a list, handles file naming. Parameters ========== results: the results to save, should a list ''' file_name = self.params.get('file_name', 'result.json') return self._save_list(results, repo, self._save_json, file_name) def _save_file_list(self, results, repo): '''for a list of results that exist, move the files to final destination. Parameters ========== results: list of paths to a file, those not existing are skipped repo: the repository base with the task folder ''' file_name = self.params.get('file_name', os.path.basename(results)) return self._save_list(results, repo, self._save_file, file_name) def _save_text_list(self, results, repo): '''for a list of general text results, write them to output files. Parameters ========== results: list of string results to write to file repo: the repository base with the task folder ''' file_name = self.params.get('file_name', 'result.txt') return self._save_list(results, repo, self._save_text, file_name)