Source code for watchme.watchers.psutils.tasks


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from subprocess import (
from watchme.utils import get_watchme_env
from watchme.logger import bot
import psutil

[docs]def monitor_pid_task(**kwargs): '''monitor a specific process. This function can be used as a task, or is (most likely used) for the psutils.decorators. A pid parameter is required. Parameters ========== skip: an optional list of (comma separated) fields to skip. Can be in net_io_counters,net_connections,net_if_address,net_if_stats pid: the process id or name (required) ''' pid = kwargs.get('pid', None) bot.debug(kwargs) # Helper function to get list from one,two,three def get_list(name): csv_list = kwargs.get(name, '') return [x for x in csv_list.split(',') if x] # A comma separated list of parameters to skip skip = get_list('skip') include = get_list('include') only = get_list('only') # Only continue given that argument is provided if pid is None: bot.warning("A 'pid' parameter is required to use the monitor_pid_task function.") return pid # The user is allowed to provide a process name, or a number try: pid = int(pid) except ValueError: pid = _get_pid(pid) # But if it's stil no good (None) we exit. if pid is None: bot.warning("'pid' must be a running process or process name.") return pid ps = psutil.Process(pid) bot.debug(ps) results = {} for key, val in ps.as_dict().items(): # If val is None, don't include if val is None: bot.debug('skipping %s, None' % key) continue if key == "connections": connections = [] for net in val: entry = {'fd': net.fd, 'family': str(, 'type': str(net.type), 'laddr_ip': net.laddr.ip, 'laddr_port': net.laddr.port, 'raddr': net.raddr, 'status': net.status} connections.append(entry) val = connections # First priority goes to a custom set if len(only) > 0: if key in only: results[key] = val else: bot.debug('skipping %s' % key) continue # The user requested to skip elif key in skip or key in ['threads']: continue # Keep count of openfiles elif key in ["open_files"]: results[key] = len(val) # Don't risk exposing sensitive information elif key == "environ": if key in include: results[key] = val # Skip over ones that are too detailed elif key in ['memory_maps']: continue # I assume this included all that are in pmem too elif isinstance(val, psutil._pslinux.pfullmem): results[key] = {"rss": val.rss, "vms": val.vms, "shared": val.shared, "text": val.text, "lib": val.lib, "data":, "dirty": val.dirty, "uss": val.uss, "pss": val.pss, "swap": val.swap} elif isinstance(val, psutil._common.pgids) or isinstance(val, psutil._common.puids): results[key] = {"real": val.real, "effetive":val.effective, "saved": val.saved} elif isinstance(val, psutil._common.pcputimes): results[key] = {"user": val.user, "system": val.system, "children_user": val.children_user, "children_system": val.children_system} elif isinstance(val, psutil._common.pctxsw): results[key] = {"voluntary": val.voluntary, "involuntary":val.involuntary} elif isinstance(val, psutil._common.pionice): results[key] = {"value": val.value} # Older Python version (2) doesn't have attribute if hasattr(val.ioclass, 'name'): results[key]["ioclass"] = # pfullmem (first above) should cover this elif isinstance(val, psutil._pslinux.pmem): continue elif isinstance(val, psutil._pslinux.pio): results[key] = {"read_count": val.read_count, "write_count": val.write_count, "read_bytes": val.read_bytes, "write_bytes": val.write_bytes, "read_chars": val.read_chars, "write_chars": val.write_chars} else: results[key] = val # Add any environment variables prefixed wit WATCHMEENV_ environ = get_watchme_env() results.update(environ) return results
[docs]def cpu_task(**kwargs): '''Get variables about the cpu of the host. No parameters are required. Parameters ========== skip: an optional list of (comma separated) fields to skip. Can be in net_io_counters,net_connections,net_if_address,net_if_stats ''' result = {} # A comma separated list of parameters to not include skip = kwargs.get('skip', '') skip = skip.split(',') result['cpu_freq'] = dict(psutil.cpu_freq()._asdict()) result['cpu_percent'] = psutil.cpu_percent() result['cpu_count'] = psutil.cpu_count() result['cpu_stats'] = dict(psutil.cpu_stats()._asdict()) result['cpu_times'] = dict(psutil.cpu_times()._asdict()) result['cpu_times_percent'] = dict(psutil.cpu_times_percent()._asdict()) return _filter_result(result, skip)
[docs]def python_task(**kwargs): '''Get modules, version, etc. about currently running python Parameters ========== skip: an optional list of (comma separated) fields to skip. Can be in net_io_counters,net_connections,net_if_address,net_if_stats ''' # A comma separated list of parameters to not include skip = kwargs.get('skip', '') skip = skip.split(',') result = {'modules': list(psutil.os.sys.modules), 'version': psutil.os.sys.version, 'path': psutil.os.sys.path, 'prefix': psutil.os.sys.prefix, 'executable': psutil.os.sys.executable, 'copyright': psutil.os.sys.copyright } return _filter_result(result, skip)
[docs]def system_task(**kwargs): '''Get basic system info, unlikely to change. Parameters ========== skip: an optional list of (comma separated) fields to skip. Can be in net_io_counters,net_connections,net_if_address,net_if_stats ''' # A comma separated list of parameters to not include skip = kwargs.get('skip', '') skip = skip.split(',') result = {} result['platform'] = psutil.os.sys.platform result['api_version'] = psutil.os.sys.api_version result['maxsize'] = psutil.os.sys.maxsize # Python 2 doesn't have these fields if hasattr(psutil.os.sys, 'int_info'): result['bits_per_digit'] = psutil.os.sys.int_info.bits_per_digit result['sizeof_digit'] = psutil.os.sys.int_info.sizeof_digit vinfo = psutil.os.sys.version_info result['version_info'] = {'major': vinfo.major, 'minor': vinfo.minor, 'micro': vinfo.micro, 'releaselevel': vinfo.releaselevel, 'serial': vinfo.serial} result['sep'] = psutil.os.sep uname = psutil.os.uname() # Python 2 returns a tuple if not hasattr(uname, 'sysname'): result['uname'] = uname else: result['uname'] = {'sysname': uname.sysname, 'nodename': uname.nodename, 'version': uname.version, 'release': uname.release, 'machine': uname.machine} return _filter_result(result, skip)
[docs]def memory_task(**kwargs): '''Get values for memory of the host. No parameters are required. ''' result = {} # gives an object with many fields result['virtual_memory'] = dict(psutil.virtual_memory()._asdict()) # Add any environment variables prefixed wit WATCHMEENV_ environ = get_watchme_env() result.update(environ) return result
[docs]def users_task(**kwargs): '''Get values for current users ''' result = {'users': []} for user in psutil.users(): result['users'].append(dict(user._asdict())) # Add any environment variables prefixed wit WATCHMEENV_ environ = get_watchme_env() result.update(environ) return result
[docs]def sensors_task(**kwargs): '''Get values from system sensors like fans, temperature, battery ''' # A comma separated list of parameters to not include skip = kwargs.get('skip', '') skip = skip.split(',') result = {} result['sensors_temperatures'] = {} result['sensors_fans'] = {} # battery battery = psutil.sensors_battery() if battery is not None: result['sensors_battery'] = {'percent': battery.percent, 'secsleft': str(battery.secsleft), 'power_plugged': battery.power_plugged} # fans for name, entry in psutil.sensors_fans().items(): entries = [] for e in entry: item = {'label': e.label, 'current': e.current} entries.append(item) result['sensors_fans'][name] = entries # temperature for name, entry in psutil.sensors_temperatures().items(): entries = [] for e in entry: temp = {'label': e.label, 'current': e.current, 'high': e.high, 'critical': e.critical} entries.append(temp) result['sensors_temperatures'][name] = entries return _filter_result(result, skip)
[docs]def net_task(**kwargs): '''Get values for networking on the host Parameters ========== skip: an optional list of (comma separated) fields to skip. Can be in net_io_counters,net_connections,net_if_address,net_if_stats ''' result = {} # A comma separated list of parameters to not include skip = kwargs.get('skip', '') skip = skip.split(',') result['net_connections'] = [] result['net_if_address'] = {} result['net_if_stats'] = {} for net in psutil.net_connections(): net_result = {'fd': net.fd, 'family': str(, 'type': str(net.type), 'laddr_ip': net.laddr.ip, 'laddr_port': net.laddr.port, 'raddr': net.raddr, 'status': net.status, 'pid':} result['net_connections'].append(net_result) for name, entry in psutil.net_if_addrs().items(): entries = [] for e in entry: item = {'family': str(, 'address': e.address, 'netmask': e.netmask, 'broadcast': e.broadcast, 'ptp': e.ptp} entries.append(item) result['net_if_address'][name] = entries for name, entry in psutil.net_if_stats().items(): item = {'isup': entry.isup, 'duplex': str(entry.duplex), 'speed': entry.speed, 'mtu': entry.mtu} result['net_if_stats'][name] = item netio = psutil.net_io_counters() result['net_io_counters'] = {'bytes_sent': netio.bytes_sent, 'bytes_recv': netio.bytes_recv, 'packets_sent': netio.packets_sent, 'packets_recv': netio.packets_recv, 'errin': netio.errin, 'errout': netio.errout, 'dropin': netio.dropin, 'dropout': netio.dropout} # Remove those not wanted return _filter_result(result, skip)
[docs]def disk_task(**kwargs): '''Get values for disks on the host Parameters ========== disk_usage: an optional path to get disk usage for. skip: an optional list of (comma separated) fields to skip. Can be in net_io_counters,net_connections,net_if_address,net_if_stats ''' # A comma separated list of parameters to not include skip = kwargs.get('skip', '') skip = skip.split(',') path = kwargs.get('disk_usage', '/') result = {} result['disk_to_counters'] = dict(psutil.disk_io_counters()._asdict()) result['disk_partitions'] = [] for disk in psutil.disk_partitions(): disk_result = {'device': disk.device, 'mountpoint': disk.mountpoint, 'fstype': disk.fstype, 'opts': disk.opts} result['disk_partitions'].append(disk_result) result['disk_usage'] = dict(psutil.disk_usage(path)._asdict()) # Remove those not wanted return _filter_result(result, skip)
def _filter_result(result, skip): '''a helper function to filter a dictionary based on a list of keys to skip. We also add variables from the environment. Parameters ========== result: a dictionary of results skip: a list of keys to remove/filter from the result. ''' # Add any environment variables prefixed wit WATCHMEENV_ environ = get_watchme_env() result.update(environ) for key in skip: if key in result: del result[key] return result def _get_pid(name): '''used to get the pid of a process, by name Parameters ========== name: the name of the process to get. ''' try: pid = check_output(["pidof", name]) pid = pid.decode('utf-8').strip('\n').split(' ') if len(pid) > 1: bot.warning("More than one pid found for %s, using first." % name) pid = int(pid[0]) except CalledProcessError: bot.error("%s does not exist." % name) pid = None return pid