Source code for watchme.watchers.schedule


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from watchme.logger import bot
from watchme.utils import which
from crontab import CronTab

# Scheduling

[docs]def remove_schedule(self, name=None, quiet=False): '''remove a scheduled item from crontab, this is based on the watcher name. By default, we use the watcher instance name, however you can specify a custom name if desired. ''' if name is None: name = cron = self.get_crontab() comment = 'watchme-%s' % found = False for job in cron.find_comment(comment): found = True cron.remove(job) if found is True:'Removed schedule for watcher %s' % name) cron.write_to_user(user=True) return cron
[docs]def has_schedule(self, must_exist=False): '''determine if a watcher already has a schedule, as a warning to the user. ''' if self.get_job(must_exist=False) is None: return False return True
[docs]def get_job(self, must_exist=True): '''return the job to the user, or None ''' # Find the job based on a standard of comment cron = self.get_crontab() comment = 'watchme-%s' % job = list(cron.find_comment(comment)) or [None] job = job[0] # Return None, or the actual cron job if job is None and must_exist: bot.warning('%s does not have a cron job configured' % return job
[docs]def get_crontab(self): '''get an instance of the user's crontab. We use the running user. ''' # Create an instance of the user's crontab return CronTab(user=True)
[docs]def update_schedule(self, minute=12, hour='*', month='*', day='*'): '''update a scheduled item from the crontab, with a new entry. This first looks for the entry (and removes it) and then clls the new_ schedule function to write a new one. This function is intended to be used by a client from within Python, and isn't exposed from the command line. ''' job = self.get_job(must_exist=True) # Update the job if found if job is not None: return self.schedule(minute=minute, hour=hour, month=month, day=day, job=job, force=True) bot.warning('%s does not have a current schedule to update.' %
[docs]def clear_schedule(self): '''clear all cron jobs associated with the watcher. To remove jobs associated with a single watcher, use remove_schedule ''' cron = self.get_crontab()'Clearing jobs associated with all watchers') cron.remove_all(comment='watchme-*') # Save new cron cron.write_to_user(user=True) return cron
[docs]def schedule(self, minute=12, hour=0, month='*', day='*', weekday='*', job=None, force=False): '''schedule the watcher to run at some frequency to update record of pages. By default, the task will run at 12 minutes passed midnight, daily. You can change the variables to change the frequency. See to get a setting that works for you. Hourly: 0 * * * * Daily: 0 0 * * * (midnight) default weekly 0 0 * * 0 monthly 0 0 1 * * yearly 0 0 1 1 * Parameters ========== minute: must be within 1 and 60, or set to "*" for every minute hour: must be within 0 through 23 or set to * month: must be within 1 and 12, or * day: must be between 1 and 31, or * weekday: must be between 0 and 6 or * job: if provided, assumes we are updated an existing entry. ''' cron = self.get_crontab() # Cut out early if the job already exists, and force is false if self.has_schedule() and not force: bot.exit('%s already has a schedule. Use --force to update.' % # Remove any previous schedules cron = self.remove_schedule(quiet=True) # minute must be between * or 0 through 59, or * if minute not in ['*'] + list(range(60)): bot.exit('minute must be in [0..59] or equal to *') # Hour must be between 0 through 23, or * if hour not in ['*'] + list(range(24)): bot.exit('hour must be in [0..23] or equal to *') # Day must be in range 1 through 31, or * if day not in ['*'] + list(range(1,32)): bot.exit('day must be in [1..31] or equal to *') # Day must be in range 1 through 31, or * if month not in ['*'] + list(range(1,13)): bot.exit('month must be in [1..12] or equal to *') # Day must be in range 1 through 31, or * if weekday not in ['*'] + list(range(7)): bot.exit('weekday must be in [0..6] or equal to *') # The command will run the watcher, watcher.cfg controls what happens whereis = which('watchme') command = '%s run %s' % (whereis, comment = 'watchme-%s' % if job is None: job =, comment=comment) # Set the time, and then write the job to file job.setall(minute, hour, day, month, weekday) job.enable() cron.write_to_user(user=True) return job