
FMRI Analysis Piecewise


The notes below detail various processing steps in FSL for preprocessing and moving data through first level FEAT analysis. Please keep in mind that these scripts / notes were intended for study specific data, and were created in late 2009 by a much more inexperienced version of me, and have not necessarily been updated for the latest version of FSL! Aka, I hope these might be helpful, but please use at your own risk!

1) Convert DICOM to NIFTI

DUKE DATA: The raw data comes off of the scanner in a format called “dicom” for which there is one image file taken every two seconds, or 1 TR. During this time, the entire head is scanned, which includes 34 slices. The first step of preprocessing that must be done to the functional and anatomical data is to convert these dicom files into ONE 4D file called a nifti, that FSL uses for analysis.

The Script

Quality Check

After we have all of our niftis, we need to perform a BET brain extraction on the anatomical data, and run QA (Quality Analysis) on the functional data.

PITTSBURGH DATA: The raw data that we are analyzing from Pittsburgh comes in a format called “dicom” that FSL cannot read. One dicom image is equal to 1 TR, which equals 2 seconds of scanner time, and is the time it takes to do one complete head scan, which includes 34 slices. When we convert a bunch of dicom images into a 4D nifti file the dimension that we add is time. FSL reads nifti but not dicom, which is why the conversion is essential. To do the conversion without the BXH XCEDE Tools, you can use the “dcm2niiGUI” which is an add-on to a program called MRICron. Keep in mind that the orientation that FSL wants is LAS, RADIOLOGICAL ORIENTATION. (Right–>Left) (Posterior–>Anterior) (Inferior–>Superior).

After we have all of our niftis, we need to perform a BET brain extraction on the anatomical data, and run QA (Quality Analysis) on the functional data. Let’s start with QA.

2) Running QA on the functional data

You need to create a bxh header from the dicom images. To do this, you can:

The Scripts

Quality Check

3) Brain Extraction

Now we need to run the BET script on the anatomical(3) nifti. (This is the brain extraction that is done automatically for the functional data when we run FEAT). The BET script needs to be set to produce “anat_brain” as the output, which is what FEAT level 1 looks for in the subject’s anatomical folder under another folder called “BET”.

At the start of analysis for a new dataset, you will want to check a few subjects first to establish a proper fractional intensity threshold for skullstripping, and to ensure that the eyeballs have been removed. If the eyeballs have not been removed, you will want to add a flag of -S to your BET command in the BET script. If you are still having eyeball problems with certain subjects, you will have to open the image in MriCron or FSLview and manually remove eyeballs slice by slice.

The Script

Quality Check

4) FEAT Level 1 Analysis

Now we need to run the FEAT level 1 analysis. Feat level 1 is like looking for significance within one subject for one run. To do this, we need

Rotational Motion Check with McFlirt

Now we need to check rotational motion: look in the .feat output folder under “mc” and then record the average rotational –> motion (in medians) from rot.png, and the relative and absolute mean from the titles with those names. You can open them with –> notepad. We want to eliminate subjects with greater than 2 degrees of rotational motion. The record is under “Stage 1” with the other quality checks.

For Level 2 and Group Analysis, please go back to FSL FMRI Analysis for more information!