
FSL Common Errors

Registration Problems

Third Level FEAT

/usr/local/fsl/bin/fslmaths filtered_func_data -Tmean mean_func 
++ WARNING: nifti_read_buffer(filtered_func_data.nii.gz): 
   data bytes needed = 557056 
   data bytes input  = 468775 
   number missing    = 88281 (set to 0) 


/usr/local/fsl/bin/fslmaths stats/zstat1 -mas mask thresh_zstat1 

echo 54628 > thresh_zstat1.vol 
zstat1: DLH=nan VOLUME=54628 RESELS=nan

and you will see an odd drop in the timeseries plots of the zstats. To fix this, try re-running and troubleshooting that particular subject’s group FEAT. Worst case scenario you can drop that person from the group analysis.