
Print Structural Variable as M Script

I noticed that in the SPM batch editor you are able to create a structural variable called “matlabbatch,” and if you click on “View .m code” the GUI splats out the guts of the structural variable, for my viewing pleasure. I thought it would be nice to have that functionality to easily print any structural variable from your workspace either to the screen or to a .m file, for more careful viewing or editing, so I wrote a script to do that:

It uses the spm function gencode, which can be found under spm8\matlabbatch\gencode.m in your spmx installation directory.

function db_print(DBvar,poption,outname)

% This function prints a database variable to the screen for editing in a
% .m file The user must input the variable to print as the input
% The script uses the gencode function from spm to read the variable
% DBvar   ---  name of workspace variable to print
% poption ---  print to 'screen' or 'file'
% outname ---  name of output text file

% Get the name of the variable to print
DBprint = gencode(DBvar,outname);

% if user wants to print to screen
if strcmp(poption,'screen')
    for i=1:length(DBprint)
% if user wants to print to file
elseif strcmp(poption,'file')
        fid = fopen([ outname '.m' ],'w');
        for i=1:length(DBprint)