


pyCorr is a script that matches user specified images to a template. The applied usage that I created it for was to match group functional networks created with group independent component analysis (gica, via a multisession temporal concatenation but you could use it for any matching needs that you might have.

Scripts Takes a single column list of subjects (–input.txt: a column of complete paths to each subject folder that contains all images that are candidates for being matched) and a single template image to be matched to (–template=) and a list of images that each subject has in their specified folder (–images=) that should also be a single column text file. Lastly, specify an output folder (–output) where a text file with results will be generated. An overview of the method is as follows:

I am still testing this algorithm, and it is subject to change!

# SUBMISSION ON COMMAND LINE --subs=input.txt --template=/path/to/template/image/thresh_zstat27.nii.gz --images=images.txt --output=/path/to/output/folder Takes the text file output from and produce a stand alone folder to throw up on a web server with the matching results. the –report tag should point to the output from, the –template tag should be to some graphical representation of the template image, and the –oname tag should be the name that you want for the folder to contain the web report, which will be created in the present working directory (pwd).

python --report=thresh_zstat2.nii_bestcomps.txt --template=../groupmelodic.ica/report/IC_2_thresh.png --oname=thresh2


The intended usage is with output from the ica+: Melodic+ Dual Regression package, and this shouldn’t be an issue with since the input file simply needs paths to folders with images to match. You can make the paths whatever you like, and the path to the template image can be whatever you like as well! The script, however, is expecting the names of the images to have a number in them (for example, zstat_thresh_1.nii.gz) and this number is used to look up the .png image in the original ica directory. Each .ica folder path in the output file from should end in .ica, and the script expects to find the .png for use in the web report under /stats/report (this is FSL’s standard that I adopted for the ica+ package) within the subject directory. Feel free to modify the script as needed… I threw it together in about two days so it’s pretty unsophisticated!