This summer I started to use github as a repository for my code, and I wanted to document instructions for updating a repository. This is assuming you already have created the repository, and have the appropriate .git folder on your machine, the local repository!
Get the status of your local repository
# Shows files that you have in folder, which ones are added (A) or modified (M)
git status -s
Set up your credentials
# credentials
git config --global 'My Name'
git config --global 'myemail.address'
Adding new files to your local repository:
git add file1 file2
Commit files to the local repository
# commits the files to your local repository -
# this will bring up a text document and you can
# uncomment the files that you want to commit, save, and exit.
git commit -a
Send to github repository
git push origin master
Suggested Citation:
Sochat, Vanessa. "GIT Basic Commands to Update Repository." @vsoch (blog), 24 Sep 2011, (accessed 22 Dec 24).