During my time in Palo Alto, we had brunch at a little cafe in the downtown strip, which may have been called University Ave. I don’t particularly go out to eat a lot, so perhaps this observation is already well documented, but I noticed that the jelly containers look like tiny pie tins. The only jelly containers that I can recall look like small rectangular, plastic bins with a peel away top. These were a novelty!
I decided that it was worth taking some with me, packaging them into my liquids/gels plastic bag to go through airport security (and hoping no one would ask me questions about why it was important for me to fly strawberry jelly across the country), and see if I could use them to make actual pies.
**Clean the tins. **I like how these almost look full size, until you get an idea of scale from the surroundings.
**Make Pie. **Pumpkin is easy, and one of the best ones anyway! I only had four tins, so I decided to make one sans crust, three with crust, and then I made four “medium” size pies with graham cracker shells, and nine other tiny pies sans tin to use up the batter. I always think it’s interesting that pumpkin pie takes about the same time to cook, regardless of the size. It’s one of those baked goods that goes in a moderately hot oven for a longer period of time, and the time seems more based on the thickness of the batter than the length and width of the pie itself.
**Tiny Pies! **to be sent with love to someones that you care about, or a mouse family at Thanksgiving time.
Suggested Citation:
Sochat, Vanessa. "Operation Tiny Pie." @vsoch (blog), 19 Mar 2011, https://vsoch.github.io/2011/operation-tiny-pie/ (accessed 22 Dec 24).