__author__ = "Vanessa Sochat"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022, Vanessa Sochat"
__license__ = "MPL 2.0"
import shutil
import action_updater.defaults as defaults
import action_updater.main.schemas as schemas
import action_updater.utils as utils
from action_updater.logger import logger
from ruamel_yaml.comments import CommentedSeq
except ImportError:
from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedSeq
import os
import re
import jsonschema
[docs]def OrderedList(*listing):
Preserve ordering when saved to yaml
ret = CommentedSeq(listing)
return ret
[docs]class SettingsBase:
def __init__(self):
Create a new settings object not requiring a settings file.
# Set an updated time, in case it's written back to file
self._settings = {}
self.settings_file = None
self.user_settings = None
def __str__(self):
return "[action-updater-settings]"
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
[docs] def validate(self):
Validate the loaded settings with jsonschema
jsonschema.validate(instance=self._settings, schema=schemas.settings)
[docs] def inituser(self):
Create a user specific config in user's home.
user_home = os.path.dirname(defaults.user_settings_file)
if not os.path.exists(user_home):
if os.path.exists(defaults.user_settings_file):
"%s already exists! Remove first before re-creating." % defaults.user_settings_file
shutil.copyfile(self.settings_file, defaults.user_settings_file)
logger.info("Created user settings file %s" % defaults.user_settings_file)
[docs] def edit(self, settings_file=None):
Interactively edit a config (or other) file.
settings_file = settings_file or self.settings_file
if not settings_file or not os.path.exists(settings_file):
logger.exit("%s does not exist." % settings_file)
# Discover editor user has preferences for
editor = None
# First try EDITOR and VISUAL envars
for envar_name in ["EDITOR", "VISUAL"]:
envar = os.environ.get(envar_name)
editor = self._find_editor(envar)
if editor is not None:
# If we get here and no editor, try system default
if not editor:
editor = self._find_editor(self.config_editor)
if not editor:
"No editors found! Update with action-updater config set config_editor:<name>"
utils.run_command([editor, settings_file], stream=True)
def _find_editor(self, path):
Check to see that an editor exists.
if not path:
editor = utils.which(path)
# Only return the editor name if we find it!
if editor["return_code"] == 0:
return path
[docs] def get_settings_file(self, settings_file=None):
Get the preferred user settings file, set user settings if exists.
# Only consider user settings if the file exists!
user_settings = None
if os.path.exists(defaults.user_settings_file):
user_settings = defaults.user_settings_file
# First preference to command line, then user settings, then default
return settings_file or user_settings or defaults.default_settings_file
[docs] def load(self, settings_file=None):
Load the settings file into the settings object
# Get the preferred settings flie
self.settings_file = self.get_settings_file(settings_file)
# Exit quickly if the settings file does not exist
if not os.path.exists(self.settings_file):
logger.exit("%s does not exist." % self.settings_file)
# Always load default settings first
self._settings = utils.read_yaml(defaults.default_settings_file)
# Update with user or custom settings if not equal to default
if self.settings_file != defaults.default_settings_file:
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None):
Get a settings value, doing appropriate substitution and expansion.
# This is a reference to a dictionary (object) setting
if ":" in key:
key, subkey = key.split(":")
value = self._settings[key][subkey]
value = self._settings.get(key, default)
return self._substitutions(value)
def __getattr__(self, key):
A direct get of an attribute, but default to None if doesn't exist
return self.get(key)
[docs] def add(self, key, value):
Add a value to a list parameter
value = self.parse_boolean(value)
# We can only add to lists
current = self._settings.get(key)
if current and not isinstance(current, list):
logger.exit("You cannot only add to a list variable.")
value = self.parse_null(value)
if value not in current:
# Add to the beginning of the list
current = [value] + current
self._settings[key] = OrderedList()
[self._settings[key].append(x) for x in current]
self.change_validate(key, value)
"Warning: Check with action-updater config edit - ordering of list can change."
[docs] def remove(self, key, value):
Remove a value from a list parameter
current = self._settings.get(key)
if current and not isinstance(current, list):
logger.exit("You cannot only remove from a list variable.")
if not current or value not in current:
logger.exit("%s is not in %s" % (value, key))
self._settings[key] = current
self.change_validate(key, current)
"Warning: Check with action-updater config edit - ordering of list can change."
[docs] def parse_boolean(self, value):
If the value is True/False, ensure we return a boolean
if isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() == "true":
value = True
elif isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() == "false":
value = False
return value
[docs] def parse_null(self, value):
Given a null or none from the command line, ensure parsed as None type
if isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() in ["none", "null"]:
return None
# Ensure we strip strings
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.strip()
return value
[docs] def set(self, key, value):
Set a setting based on key and value. If the key has :, it's nested
while ":" in key:
value = str(value)
key, extra = key.split(":", 1)
value = f"{extra}:{value}"
# List values not allowed for set
current = self._settings.get(key)
if current and isinstance(current, list):
logger.exit("You cannot use 'set' for a list. Use add/remove instead.")
# This is a reference to a dictionary (object) setting
# We assume only one level of nesting allowed
if isinstance(value, str) and ":" in value:
subkey, value = value.split(":")
value = self.parse_boolean(value)
value = self.parse_null(value)
self._settings[key][subkey] = value
value = self.parse_boolean(value)
value = self.parse_null(value)
self._settings[key] = value
# Validate and catch error message cleanly
self.change_validate(key, value)
[docs] def change_validate(self, key, value):
A courtesy function to validate a new config addition.
# Don't allow the user to add a setting not known
except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as error:
logger.exit("%s:%s cannot be added to config: %s" % (key, value, error.message))
def filesystem_registry(self):
Return the first found filesystem registry
for path in self.registry:
if path.startswith("http") or not os.path.exists(path):
return path
[docs] def ensure_filesystem_registry(self):
Ensure that the settings has a filesystem registry.
found = False
for path in self.registry:
if path.startswith("http") or not os.path.exists(path):
found = True
# Cut out early if registry isn't on the filesystem
if not found:
"This command is only supported for a filesystem registry! Add one or use --registry."
def _substitutions(self, value):
Given a value, make substitutions
if isinstance(value, bool) or not value:
return value
# Currently dicts only support boolean or null so we return as is
elif isinstance(value, dict):
return value
for rep, repvalue in defaults.reps.items():
if isinstance(value, list):
value = [x.replace(rep, repvalue) for x in value]
elif isinstance(value, str):
value = value.replace(rep, repvalue)
return value
[docs] def delete(self, key):
if key in self._settings:
del self._settings[key]
[docs] def save(self, filename=None):
Save settings, but do not change order of anything.
filename = filename or self.settings_file
if not filename:
logger.exit("A filename is required to save to.")
utils.write_yaml(self._settings, filename)
def __iter__(self):
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
yield key, value
[docs] def update_params(self, params):
Update a configuration on the fly (no save) only for set/add/remove.
Unlike the traditional set/get/add functions, this function expects
each entry in the params list to start with the action, e.g.:
# Cut out early if params not provided
if not params:
for param in params:
if not re.search("^(add|set|rm)", param, re.IGNORECASE) or ":" not in param:
"Parameter update request must start with (add|set|rm):, skipping %s"
command, param = param.split(":", 1)
self.update_param(command.lower(), param)
[docs] def update_param(self, command, param):
Given a parameter, update the configuration on the fly if it's in set/add/remove
# If we are given a list, assume is key and value at end
if isinstance(param, list):
# If one given, assume old format
if len(param) == 1:
param = param[0]
elif len(param) == 2:
key, value = param
elif len(param) != 2:
logger.exit(f"When providing a list, it must be a [key, value]. Found {param}")
# With a string, assume splittling by :
if isinstance(param, str):
if ":" not in param:
logger.exit("Param %s is missing a :, should be key:value pair. Skipping." % param)
key, value = param.rsplit(":", 1)
if command == "set":
self.set(key, value)
logger.info("Updated %s to be %s" % (key, value))
elif command == "add":
self.add(key, value)
logger.info("Added %s to %s" % (key, value))
elif command == "remove":
self.remove(key, value)
logger.info("Removed %s from %s" % (key, value))
[docs]class Settings(SettingsBase):
The settings class is a wrapper for easily parsing a settings.yml file.
We parse into a query-able class. It also gives us control to update settings,
meaning we change the values and then write them to file. It's basically
a dictionary-like class with extra functions.
def __init__(self, settings_file, validate=True):
Create a new settings object, which requires a settings file to load
if validate: