
AskCI supports additional functionality through plugins. Currently, additional authentication frameworks are supported, but any added functionality is plausible to develop. The plugins distributed with AskCI are found in the askci/plugins folder. For any plugin you want to enable, you should follow the instructions in the pages below.

Included Plugins

The following plugins are included, and can be enabled by adding them to the PLUGINS_ENABLED entry in askci/settings/ Plugins may require further configuration in your local askci/settings/ file.

  • LDAP-Auth: authentication against LDAP directories
  • PAM-Auth: authentication using PAM (unix host users)
  • SAML: Authentication with SAML

The Dockerfile has some build arguments to build the Docker image according to the plugins software requirements. These variables are set to false by default:


Therefore, if you want to install the requirements of all current supported plugins, you can build the image as follows:

docker build --build-arg ENABLE_LDAP=true --build-arg ENABLE_PAM=true --build-arg ENABLE_SAML=true -t .

Writing a Plugin

A AskCI plugin is a Django App, that lives inside askci/plugins/<plugin-name>. Each plugin:

  • Must provide a listing any URLs that will be exposed under /plugin-name
  • Can provide additional, models, views, templates, static files.
  • Can register an additional AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND by specifying AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND in its __init.py__
  • Can register additional context processors by defining a tuple of complete paths to the relevant processors by specifying CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in its __init.py__
  • Must provide a documentation file and link in this README.

Plugins are loaded when the plugin name is added to PLUGINS_ENABLED in askci/settings/ A plugin mentioned here is added to INSTALLED_APPS at runtime, and any AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND and CONTEXT_PROCESSORS listed in the plugin __init.py__ is merged into the project settings.

See plugins distrubuted with under askci/plugins for example code. If your plugin has any specific software requirements that are not currently available in the Docker image and those requirements are compatible with the current software, you can set a new build argument ENABLE_{PLUGIN_NAME} and add the corresponding installation commands in the PLUGINS section of the Dockerfile with the following format:


Writing Documentation

Documentation for your plugin is just as important as the plugin itself! You should create a subfolder under _docs/plugins/<your-plugin> with an appropriate that is linked to in this file. Use the others as examples to guide you.