Docker simple database example

Jun 13, 2020. | By: @vsoch

In this example, we will start with a basic folder of data and generate a data container for it.

What is a Data Container?

A data container is generally an operating-system-less container that is optimized to provide data, either for query/search, or binding for analysis. The qualities of the data container should be:

  1. It can be mounted to containers with operating systems to run analysis
  2. It can be interacted with on it’s own to search metadata about the data
  3. It should not have an operating system.

How do we generate one?

The generation is fairly simple! It comes down to a three step multistage build:

  1. Step 1 We install cdb to generate a GoLang template for an in-memory database for our data)
  2. Step 2 We compile the binary into an entrypoint
  3. Step 3 We add the data and the binary entrypoint to a scratch container (no operating system).

And then we interact with it! This tutorial will show you the basic steps to perform the multistage-build using a simple Dockerfile along with the data folder.

The Dockerfile

Let’s break the dockerfile down into it’s components. This first section will install the cdb software, add the data, and generate a GoLang script to compile, which will generate an in-memory database.

FROM bitnami/minideb:stretch as generator
# docker build -t data-container .
ENV PATH /opt/conda/bin:${PATH}
RUN /bin/bash -c "install_packages wget git ca-certificates && \
    wget && \
    bash -b -p /opt/conda && \

# install cdb (update version if needed)
RUN pip install cdb==0.0.1

# Add the data to /data (you can change this)
COPY ./data .
RUN cdb generate /data --out /entrypoint.go

Next we want to build that file, entrypoint.go, and also carry the data forward:

FROM golang:1.13-alpine3.10 as builder
COPY --from=generator /entrypoint.go /entrypoint.go
COPY --from=generator /data /data

# Dependencies
RUN apk add git && \
    go get && \
    GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-w -s" -o /entrypoint -i /entrypoint.go

Finally, we want to add just the executable and data to a scratch container (meaning it doesn’t have an operating system)

FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder /data /data
COPY --from=builder /entrypoint /entrypoint

ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint"]

And that’s it! Take a look at the entire Dockerfile if you are interested.


Let’s build it!

$ docker build -t data-container .

We then have a simple way to do the following:

Interaction with the single container


If we just run the container, we get a listing of all metadata alongside the key.

$ docker run data-container
/data/avocado.txt {"size": 9, "sha256": "327bf8231c9572ecdfdc53473319699e7b8e6a98adf0f383ff6be5b46094aba4"}
/data/tomato.txt {"size": 8, "sha256": "3b7721618a86990a3a90f9fa5744d15812954fba6bb21ebf5b5b66ad78cf5816"}


We can also just list data files with -ls

$ docker run data-container -ls


Or we can list ordered by one of the metadata items:

$ docker run data-container -metric size
Order by size
/data/tomato.txt: {"size": 8, "sha256": "3b7721618a86990a3a90f9fa5744d15812954fba6bb21ebf5b5b66ad78cf5816"}
/data/avocado.txt: {"size": 9, "sha256": "327bf8231c9572ecdfdc53473319699e7b8e6a98adf0f383ff6be5b46094aba4"}


Or search for a specific metric based on value.

$ docker run data-container -metric size -search 8
/data/tomato.txt 8

$ docker run entrypoint -metric sha256 -search 8
/data/avocado.txt 327bf8231c9572ecdfdc53473319699e7b8e6a98adf0f383ff6be5b46094aba4
/data/tomato.txt 3b7721618a86990a3a90f9fa5744d15812954fba6bb21ebf5b5b66ad78cf5816


Or we can get a particular file metadata by it’s name:

$ docker run data-container -get /data/avocado.txt
/data/avocado.txt {"size": 9, "sha256": "327bf8231c9572ecdfdc53473319699e7b8e6a98adf0f383ff6be5b46094aba4"}

or a partial match:

$ docker run data-container -get /data/
/data/avocado.txt {"size": 9, "sha256": "327bf8231c9572ecdfdc53473319699e7b8e6a98adf0f383ff6be5b46094aba4"}
/data/tomato.txt {"size": 8, "sha256": "3b7721618a86990a3a90f9fa5744d15812954fba6bb21ebf5b5b66ad78cf5816"}


The start command is intended to keep the container running, if we are using it with an orchestrator.

$ docker run data-container -start


It’s more likely that you’ll want to interact with files in the container via some analysis, or more generally, another container. Let’s put together a quick docker-compose.yml to do exactly that.

version: "3"
    restart: always
    image: busybox
    entrypoint: ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
      - data-volume:/data

    restart: always
    image: data-container
    command: ["-start"]
      - data-volume:/data


Notice that the command for the data-container to start is -start, which is important to keep it running. After building our data-container, we can then bring these containers up:

$ docker-compose up -d
Starting docker-simple_base_1   ... done
Recreating docker-simple_data_1 ... done
$ docker-compose ps
        Name                Command         State   Ports
docker-simple_base_1   tail -f /dev/null    Up           
docker-simple_data_1   /entrypoint -start   Up           

We can then shell inside and see our data!

$ docker exec -it docker-simple_base_1 sh
/ # ls /data/
avocado.txt  tomato.txt

The metadata is still available for query by interacting with the data-container entrypoint:

$ docker exec docker-simple_data_1 /entrypoint -ls

Depending on your use case, you could easily make this available inside the other container.


This is very simple example of building a small data container to query and show metadata for two files, and then bind that data to another orchestration setup. Although this example is simple, the idea is powerful because we are able to keep data and interact with it without needing an operating system. Combined with other metadata or data organizational standards, this could be a really cool approach to develop data containers optimized to interact with a particular file structure or workflow. How will that work in particular? It’s really up to you! The cdb software can take custom functions for generation of metadata and templates for generating the GoLang script to compile, so the possibilities are very open.

Please contribute to the effort! I’ll be slowly adding examples as I create them.

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Introducing Data Containers

Jun 13, 2020. | By: @vsoch

Welcome to cdb, the container database software that will help you to create a simple data container! This interface will give you a little background on the project.

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Singularity simple database example

Jun 13, 2020. | By: @vsoch

In this example, we will start with a basic folder of data and generate a data container for it. Singularity is especially powerful here because our container will be read only, meaning that we know for sure it won’t be changed as long as we maintain the same file.

What is a Data Container?

A data container is generally an operating-system-less container that is optimized to provide data, either for query/search, or binding for analysis. The qualities of the data container should be:

  1. It can be mounted to containers with operating systems to run analysis
  2. It can be interacted with on it’s own to search metadata about the data
  3. It should not have an operating system.

How do we generate one?

The generation is fairly simple! It comes down to a three step multistage build:

  1. Step 1 We install cdb to generate a GoLang template for an in-memory database for our data)
  2. Step 2 We compile the binary into an entrypoint
  3. Step 3 We add the data and the binary entrypoint to a scratch container (no operating system).

And then we interact with it! This tutorial will show you the basic steps to perform the multistage-build using a simple Dockerfile along with the data folder.

The Singularity Recipe

Let’s break the Singularity recipe down into it’s components. This first section will install the cdb software, add the data, and generate a GoLang script to compile, which will generate an in-memory database.

Bootstrap: docker
From: bitnami/minideb:stretch
Stage: generator

# sudo singularity build data-container Singularity

    mkdir -p ${SINGULARITY_ROOTFS}/data

  ./data /data

export PATH=/opt/conda/bin:${PATH}
export LANG=C.UTF-8
/bin/bash -c "install_packages wget git ca-certificates && \
    wget && \
    bash -b -p /opt/conda && \

pip install cdb==0.0.1
cdb generate /data --out /entrypoint.go

Next we want to build that file, entrypoint.go, and also carry the data forward:

Bootstrap: docker
From: golang:1.13-alpine3.10
Stage: builder

%files from generator
    /entrypoint.go /entrypoint.go
    /data /data

apk add git && \
    go get && \
    GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-w -s" -o /entrypoint -i /entrypoint.go

Finally, we want to add just the executable and data to a scratch container (meaning it doesn’t have an operating system)

%files from builder
    /entrypoint /entrypoint
    /data /data

We will then interact with the /entrypoint binary. Notice that we could also a little hack at the end - if we add a %runscript then it’s going to try and interact with some /bin/sh and spit out an error. So instead, we could just create the entrypoint executable to be /bin/sh!

    mkdir -p ${SINGULARITY_ROOTFS}/bin

%files from builder
    /entrypoint /entrypoint
    /data /data

I chose to not do this, because I don’t mind running singularity exec instead. I think we would also need a way to pass the arguments to /bin/sh (I haven’t tested this yet, care to try it out?) Also note that you need a fairly recent version of Singularity to have support for scratch. And that’s it! Take a look at the entire Singularity recipe if you are interested.


Let’s build it!

$ sudo singularity build data-container Singularity

We then have a simple way to do the following:

Interaction with the single container


If we just run the container, we get a listing of all metadata alongside the key. I’m not sure how to silence the warnings, I’m sure there is a way

$ singularity exec data-container /entrypoint
WARNING: passwd file doesn't exist in container, not updating
WARNING: group file doesn't exist in container, not updating
/data/avocado.txt {"size": 9, "sha256": "327bf8231c9572ecdfdc53473319699e7b8e6a98adf0f383ff6be5b46094aba4"}
/data/tomato.txt {"size": 8, "sha256": "3b7721618a86990a3a90f9fa5744d15812954fba6bb21ebf5b5b66ad78cf5816"}


We can also just list data files with -ls

$ singularity exec data-container /entrypoint -ls
WARNING: passwd file doesn't exist in container, not updating
WARNING: group file doesn't exist in container, not updating


Or we can list ordered by one of the metadata items:

$ singularity exec data-container /entrypoint -metric size
WARNING: passwd file doesn't exist in container, not updating
WARNING: group file doesn't exist in container, not updating
Order by size
/data/tomato.txt: {"size": 8, "sha256": "3b7721618a86990a3a90f9fa5744d15812954fba6bb21ebf5b5b66ad78cf5816"}
/data/avocado.txt: {"size": 9, "sha256": "327bf8231c9572ecdfdc53473319699e7b8e6a98adf0f383ff6be5b46094aba4"}


Or search for a specific metric based on value.

$ singularity exec data-container /entrypoint -metric size -search 8
WARNING: passwd file doesn't exist in container, not updating
WARNING: group file doesn't exist in container, not updating
/data/tomato.txt 8

$ singularity exec data-container /entrypoint -metric sha256 -search 8
WARNING: passwd file doesn't exist in container, not updating
WARNING: group file doesn't exist in container, not updating
/data/avocado.txt 327bf8231c9572ecdfdc53473319699e7b8e6a98adf0f383ff6be5b46094aba4
/data/tomato.txt 3b7721618a86990a3a90f9fa5744d15812954fba6bb21ebf5b5b66ad78cf5816


Or we can get a particular file metadata by it’s name:

$ singularity exec data-container /entrypoint -get /data/avocado.txt
/data/avocado.txt {"size": 9, "sha256": "327bf8231c9572ecdfdc53473319699e7b8e6a98adf0f383ff6be5b46094aba4"}

or a partial match:

$ singularity exec data-container /entrypoint -get /data/avocado.txt -get /data/
/data/avocado.txt {"size": 9, "sha256": "327bf8231c9572ecdfdc53473319699e7b8e6a98adf0f383ff6be5b46094aba4"}
/data/tomato.txt {"size": 8, "sha256": "3b7721618a86990a3a90f9fa5744d15812954fba6bb21ebf5b5b66ad78cf5816"}


The start command is intended to keep the container running, if we are using it with an orchestrator.

$ singularity exec data-container /entrypoint -get /data/avocado.txt -start


We haven’t created the singularity-compose recipes yet, likely we would need to have a custom %startscript to not use /bin/sh but instead to target the entrypoint. Please take a shot or suggest ideas!


This is very simple example of building a small data container to query and show metadata for two files. Although this example is simple, the idea is powerful because we are able to keep data and interact with it without needing an operating system. Combined with other metadata or data organizational standards, this could be a really cool approach to develop data containers optimized to interact with a particular file structure or workflow. How will that work in particular? It’s really up to you! The cdb software can take custom functions for generation of metadata and templates for generating the GoLang script to compile, so the possibilities are very open.

Please contribute to the effort! I’ll be slowly adding examples as I create them.

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