Source code for

__author__ = "Vanessa Sochat"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022, Vanessa Sochat"
__license__ = "MPL 2.0"

import random
import sys

from citelang.logger import logger

from .base import GraphBase

[docs]class Dot(GraphBase): """ The dot format is for graphviz """
[docs] def generate(self, graphname=None, fontname="Arial"): if self.outfile != sys.stdout:"Output will be written to %s" % self.outfile) fd = open(self.outfile, "w") else: fd = self.outfile graphname = graphname or fd.write("digraph " + graphname + " {\n ratio=0.562;\n") # Do we want to render using a certain font? for node in ["graph", "node", "edge"]: fd.write(" " + node + ' [fontname="' + fontname + '"];\n') # Color for root (first) and then linked libs, and symbols colors = [ "#" + "".join([random.choice("0123456789ABCDEF") for j in range(6)]) for i in range(2) ] root_color = colors.pop() node_color = colors.pop() # Create graph with nodes next_nodes = [] first_node = True while next_nodes: next_node = next_nodes.pop(0) label = self.uids[] name = "%s (%s)" % (, round(, 3)) if first_node: fd.write( ' %s [label="%s" tooltip="%s", style=filled, color="%s"];\n' % (label, name, name, root_color) ) first_node = False else: fd.write( ' %s [label="%s" tooltip="%s", style=filled, color="%s"];\n' % (label, name, name, node_color) ) for child in next_node.children: next_nodes.append(child) # Now create links next_nodes = [] while next_nodes: next_node = next_nodes.pop(0) label = self.uids[] name = "%s (%s)" % (, round(, 3)) for child in next_node.children: label_to = self.uids[] fd.write( ' %s -> %s [label=" depends on " tooltip="%s -> %s"];\n' % (label, label_to,, ) next_nodes.append(child) fd.write("\n}\n") if self.outfile != sys.stdout: fd.close()