Source code for django_river_ml.middleware

import json
import time
from copy import deepcopy

from django.urls import resolve

import as storage
from django_river_ml import settings as settings

# The following are pre and post events that should be run alongside views
# to update either metrics or stats

[docs] def timer_middleware(get_response): """ A custom class to start and end a counter. This should be used to decorate api.learn and api.predict """ # One-time configuration and initialization. def middleware(request): # Derive the view name from the request PATH_INFO func, _, _ = resolve(request.META["PATH_INFO"]) view_name = "%s.%s" % (func.__module__, func.__name__) in_timed_view = view_name in settings.timed_views # Grab the started at time started_at = time.perf_counter_ns() # Deep copy the request body to see if we hav a name param model_name = None try: copied = deepcopy(request.body) payload = json.loads(copied.decode("utf-8")) model_name = payload.get("model") except Exception: pass response = get_response(request) # Cut out early if not in a timed view if not in_timed_view or not model_name: return response # Calculate the duration and add to stats duration = time.perf_counter_ns() - started_at db = storage.get_db() if f"stats/{model_name}" not in db: storage.init_stats(model_name) stats = db[f"stats/{model_name}"] if request.path == "/%s/learn/" % settings.URL_PREFIX: stats["learn_mean"].update(duration) stats["learn_ewm"].update(duration) elif request.path == "/%s/predict/" % settings.URL_PREFIX: stats["predict_mean"].update(duration) stats["predict_ewm"].update(duration) db[f"stats/{model_name}"] = stats return response return middleware