
Local Install

HelpMe can be installed natively (python 3 recommended) with pip:

pip install helpme

or you can clone and install from source:

$ git clone
$ cd helpme
$ python install

If you want to install dependencies for a particular helper, you can specify the helper like this:

pip install helpme[uservoice]

When you have installed HelpMe, there will be an executable “helpme” placed in your bin folder:

which helpme


You can also use the helpme Docker image (note this has not been rigorously tested). You will need to run the image and supply any needed variables to the container with --env. Here is an example for the default Github and a personal access token:

$ docker run -it --env HELPME_GITHUB_TOKEN=123 vanessa/helpme github
Hello Friend! I'll help you post a Github issue today.
What is the Github repository to post to? (e.g., username/reponame): 

And of course you can customize the installed configuration and build the image yourself!

$ git clone
$ cd helpme
$ docker build -t vanessa/helpme .


You can use the same Docker image with Singularity, and it’s recommended to pull first.

singularity pull --name helpme.sif docker://vanessa/helpme
./helpme.sif github

Next, why don’t you read about how to post Github issues from the command line by using the github helper.