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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


GitHub Organization Search If you maintain or belong to a GitHub organization, it can be hard to find things. Let’s use my example. I was developing a Community Template for the US Research Software Engineers (US-RSE) community, and specifically, I imagined some future... Read more

The Changing Open Source Landscape This is a discussion about the changing open source landscape, from the perspective of an open source software engineer. For quick takeaways, see the overview below. You can also listen to an informal (shortened) audio version via SoundCloud. I recommend... Read more

Watchme Terminal Monitor We don’t care enough about resource usage. If there could be unique patterns associated with running different software, wouldn’t it be lucrative to study them, and then classify an unknown process? Or to predict resource usage given the programs involved?... Read more

Watchme Process Monitoring It’s always been kind of hard to measure resource usage when you are running a script. What I’d want to do is not get metrics like memory, cpu, and io operations for an entire host, but rather for a specific... Read more