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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


The Sadness of the Open Source Developer I'm young in my career, but I often say that I'm an open source developer. I’ve always associated the term with a beautiful idea, and one that I aspired to manifest in my own life. The idea is that a... Read more

Reproducibie Impossible Is reproducibility possible? This effort to “freeze everything so we can do it again” exactly the same mirrors the way that science is practiced, and not the natural world. Let me explain. Let’s start with asking how we understand data.... Read more

The Experiment Factory (v2.0) Beta Nobody ever goes in… and nobody ever comes out. I’m excited to share more progress on the now beta version of The Experiment Factory, with the following updates: support for postgresql, sqlite, and mysql in addition to the default filesystem... Read more

The Experiment Factory (v2.0) Alpha Nobody ever goes in… and nobody ever comes out. I’m pleased to share that I’ve been working on a new alpha version of The Experiment Factory, completely redone to deploy “Reproducible Experiment Containers.” It’s a beautiful combination of Singularity’s new... Read more