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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


Kubernetes Operator Helpers I was recently working on a new operator that I’m fairly excited about, the Metrics Operator when it so happened that I had an impossible situation - I wanted to use the metrics operator design with a shared process namespace... Read more

Learning The Self We are often caught up in how we are supposed to be, feeling guilt for the way that we are not, and even artificially crafting ourselves into the mold that is so desired. The problem is that if you are... Read more

Shared Process Namespace between Pods in Kubernetes I was working on something else earlier this week, and during my exploration to find a solution for a different problem, stumbled on this idea of shared process namespaces. It blew my mind because it meant that we could inspect... Read more

Autoscaling with Custom Metrics in Kubernetes We’ve been working on implementing elasticity in the Flux Operator. In that specific post, I talk about the journey going from simply saving state of a cluster through using the autoscaling/v1 API to ask the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to scale... Read more