Source code for watchme.utils.terminal


Copyright (C) 2019 Vanessa Sochat.

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from subprocess import (
import os
import re
import shlex

# Terminal Commands

[docs]def which(software, strip_newline=True): '''get_install will return the path to where an executable is installed. ''' if software is None: software = "watchme" cmd = 'which %s' % software try: result = run_command(cmd) if strip_newline is True: result['message'] = result['message'].strip('\n') if "message" in result: return result['message'] return result except: # FileNotFoundError return None
[docs]def get_installdir(): '''get_installdir returns the installation directory of the application ''' return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
[docs]def run_command(cmd, sudo=False): '''run_command uses subprocess to send a command to the terminal. Parameters ========== cmd: the command to send, should be a list for subprocess error_message: the error message to give to user if fails, if none specified, will alert that command failed. ''' cmd = shlex.split(cmd) if sudo is True: cmd = ['sudo'] + cmd try: output = Popen(cmd, stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE) except FileNotFoundError: cmd.pop(0) output = Popen(cmd,stderr=STDOUT,stdout=PIPE) t = output.communicate()[0],output.returncode output = {'message':t[0], 'return_code':t[1]} if isinstance(output['message'], bytes): output['message'] = output['message'].decode('utf-8') return output
# Environment
[docs]def convert2boolean(arg): ''' convert2boolean is used for environmental variables that must be returned as boolean ''' if not isinstance(arg, bool): return arg.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1", "y") return arg
[docs]def get_watchme_env(prefix="WATCHMEENV_"): '''get any environment variables that start with WATCMEENV_, return the dictionary to the user. ''' environ = {} # First extract variables from the environment for key, value in os.environ.items(): # Variables that are specified, or start with WATCHMEENV included if key.startswith(prefix): # Replace the WATCHMEENV_ if present key = re.sub("^%s" % prefix, "", key) # Don't include empty strings if value not in ["", None]: environ[key] = value return environ