watchme.utils package


watchme.utils.fileio module

Copyright (C) 2019 Vanessa Sochat.

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at

The watcher is actually a connection to crontab. This is what helps to schedule the watched to check for changes at some frequency, and update the files.

watchme.utils.fileio.copyfile(source, destination, force=True)[source]

copy a file from a source to its destination.

watchme.utils.fileio.generate_temporary_file(folder=None, prefix='watchme', ext=None)[source]

write a temporary file, in base directory with a particular extension.

  • folder (the base directory to write in.)

  • prefix (the prefix to use)

  • ext (the extension to use.)


return the hostname

watchme.utils.fileio.get_tmpdir(prefix='', create=True)[source]

get a temporary directory for an operation. If SREGISTRY_TMPDIR is set, return that. Otherwise, return the output of tempfile.mkdtemp

  • prefix (Given a need for a sandbox (or similar), we will need to)

  • create a subfolder *within* the SREGISTRY_TMPDIR.

  • create (boolean to determine if we should create folder (True))


return the active user


get the user home based on the effective uid


mkdir_p attempts to get the same functionality as mkdir -p

param path: the path to create.


just dump the json in a “pretty print” format

watchme.utils.fileio.read_file(filename, mode='r', readlines=True)[source]

write_file will open a file, “filename” and write content, “content” and properly close the file

watchme.utils.fileio.read_json(filename, mode='r')[source]

read_json reads in a json file and returns the data structure as dict.

watchme.utils.fileio.write_file(filename, content, mode='w')[source]

write_file will open a file, “filename” and write content, “content” and properly close the file

watchme.utils.fileio.write_json(json_obj, filename, mode='w', print_pretty=True)[source]

write_json will (optionally,pretty print) a json object to file

  • json_obj (the dict to print to json)

  • filename (the output file to write to)

  • pretty_print (if True, will use nicer formatting)

watchme.utils.terminal module

Copyright (C) 2019 Vanessa Sochat.

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at


convert2boolean is used for environmental variables that must be returned as boolean


get_installdir returns the installation directory of the application


get any environment variables that start with WATCMEENV_, return the dictionary to the user.

watchme.utils.terminal.run_command(cmd, sudo=False)[source]

run_command uses subprocess to send a command to the terminal.

  • cmd (the command to send, should be a list for subprocess)

  • error_message (the error message to give to user if fails,)

  • if none specified, will alert that command failed.

watchme.utils.terminal.which(software, strip_newline=True)[source]

get_install will return the path to where an executable is installed.

Module contents