I’ve been trying to think of creative ways to have some asynchronous fun, and when I was planning a research software engineering day (now postponed, for obvious reasons) for Stanford, one of the activities I thought would be fun is some kind of Bingo. If it were in person, it would have been easy enough to hand out paper sheets, and have participants either fill out items while listening to talks, or to take the boards “home” and complete with their lab over some specified amount of time. When this was no longer possible but the US-RSE Virtual Workshop was being discussed, I jumped at the idea of (still) injecting a little fun with playing Bingo. I quickly realized it would be much easier for participants to have a virtual (web-based) game, and I could imagine people playing along while checking off items like:
- Talks about their research cluster
- Tweet shown on slide
- Asks the audience a question
- Slide with all pictures
- Cat walks across the screen
It would be so fun! The issue of course, which came up in a conversation with one of the coordinators for the virtual conference, was that it would be distracting. And I have to agree, it definitely could be. So while I was disappointed that my Remote Bingo idea couldn’t be officially done, I realized that it was still a great idea! I could create a simple remote bingo game that any remote person could play on their own, or in a more multiplayer sort of setting (conference calls? virtual happy hour? during a remote conference? watching a movie?). In that we can participate in conferences without wearing pants, or with our pets, what would stop someone that wants to have fun from playing Bingo? Exactly. I wanted to build a very general tool that would have many use cases, be easy to customize, and hopefully afford some fun in these strange times. If you want to skip over the description and just play, hop over to rseng/remote-bingo.
Remote Bingo
I had some fairly simple goals for this application. I wanted:
- A simple board interface with items to click
- A scoring mechanism
- An ability to clear or reset a board with new items
- Choosing to use a new list of items
And for all of the above, I wanted it to be easy for the user to fork the repository, change some text files to have their own updated items, and deploy on GitHub pages to deploy their own game. Actually, given that you have a list of items:
Seeing where your coworkers live, "remote"
Sorry I've been having networking issues, "remote,conference-call"
Cat walks across the screen,"remote,conference-call"
Rethinking your response to how you are doing, "remote, covid-19"
Oh sorry go ahead, no you go ahead, "remote,conference-call"
Piano starts playing in the background, "remote,conference-call"
Docker automated build fails, "rse"
Ask for help on Slack and you're ignored, "rse"
GitHub goes down!, "rse"
Confuse a child with a pet, "covid-19"
Talk to a pet cat or dog like they are human, "covid-19"
Can you hear me now?, "remote,conference-call"
Outdoor noises during a call, "remote,conference-call"
Child or animal noises during a call, "remote,conference-call"
A Disney themed breathing mask, "covid-19"
Drinks before 3pm, "covid-19"
Attend a virtual happy hour, "covid-19,remote"
A Disney themed breathing mask, "covid-19"
Toilet paper sold out at the store, "covid-19"
Woke up later than 10am, "covid-19,remote"
Netflix asks if you are still watching, "remote,covid-19"
Start a new project, "remote"
Feel overwhelmed with video calls, "covid-19,remote"
Give alcoholism a try, "covid-19,remote"
Start a puzzle, "covid-19,remote"
Bake bread, "covid-19"
Think about toilet paper left, "covid-19"
Do it anyway, "covid-19"
Feel nervous around a package, "covid-19"
Take a nap, hope that dinner is soon, "covid-19,remote"
Overwater your plants, "covid-19"
Develop a super weird routine around getting groceries, "covid-19"
The above is the contents of the default “remote-bingo.csv” that the application serves on start, you can then create the Bingo instance, add the default list, and then add other lists for the user to choose from:
$(document).ready(function() {
var bingo = new Bingo()
Here is the active board!

And then the user can change the board to another in the list at the bottom of the page:

The above should give you a hint that I created additional boards for programming items, quarantine cooking, indoor activities, and (in spirit of the US-RSE virtual conference) a virtual conference. If you are interested in the implementation, you can see my terrible JavaScript skills at the repository, rseng/remote-bingo. The file with the Bingo instance is remote-bingo.js. If you want to play bingo, then go to the statically deployed GitHub pages interface at https://rseng.github.io/remote-bingo/.
How do I play?
Generally, you get a bingo notification when you fill in a row, column, diagonal, or fill the entire board. It’s up to you (and your family, friends, or colleagues) how you want to decide on what constitutes a win, and the context to play in, period. See the other ideas for lists to get some inspiration. A game of bingo could be played over a night of watching movies, during the duration of a conference call, or over a longer period of time. Given this choice, you can decide how is best to declare bingo (for shorter events, saying Bingo! is probably sufficient, but longer events might need an email with a screen shot of your board). If I were planning an event, I’d make sure to use a much longer list of items to increase the variety of boards generated, and to give good prizes to winners. If you want to play, go to https://rseng.github.io/remote-bingo/ and again, please contribute to the repository to improve the lists, or add a new list.
Bingo Lists
The following lists are provided with the current Remote Bingo interface.
Remote Bingo
The default “remote bingo” includes items that are related to working remotely, COVID-19, and general conference calls.

Quarantine Cooking
The idea here is that you would play this board long term with friends, and try to get bingo with funny cooking ideas.

Virtual Conference
This board would be fun to play on your own or with a small group while watching a virtual conference. You might not want to tell the conference that you are playing. :)

Indoor Activities
This is another quarantine related board, but specific to activities. There is a lot of room for improvement here!

This is a fun idea if you like to bake, and want to have a longer term competition with friends. Who can get bingo first baking cookies?

New Programmer
This list is intended for someone learning to program. There could be a lot of improvement here as well, I can only do so much on a Saturday!

Other ideas for lists
Here are some other ideas that I had for lists - if you’d like to contribute a csv file with items I’d be happy to add to the interface for you to use with your family and friends!
Moving Watching Bingo
If you (remotely) watch a shared TV show or film, you could have a board specific to that. It could even be scoped to include themed items (e.g., scary movies, romantic comedies, TV series) and I’d imagine it should also include people’s reactions to watching.
Stuffed Animals in Windows
I’ve seen that it’s a “thing” to walk around your neighborhood with kids and look for stuffed animals in windows, or to find chalk messages on the driveway. It would be fun to have a list of items related to this search, which you could possibly print out from the interface and bring with you.
Quarantine Goals
Another quarantine related list (and similar to those already shared) would be a list of funny goals to achieve during the quarantine. E.g., “gain the quarantine 15” or “attend a meeting without pants.” This would likely be a list that you do on your own.
Acts of Kindness
There are a lot of lovely acts of kindess going on, this would be a very socially appropriate list, in contrast to the previous! You could create a list of acts of kindness you’ve seen other people do, and then see if you can do them yourself.
Let’s Make Cake!
If you really love cake (or some other niche item) you can join with a group of friends and have a battle to see who can make the most different kinds of a baked good to get a Bingo! For this board, I’d say that you would be required to take pictures of the result for proof. You could easily do this with any kind of baked good, pizza, bread, pasta, potato, or food category that has many derivations. See the cookies example provided already with the repository.
If you’d like to contribute, here are a few ideas:
1. Create a custom list
I’ve created a set of good starting lists (see bingo lists but of course there is great room for improvement, or even making new lists!
2. Add a color picker
While not essential, it would be fun to allow a user to choose the color to highlight the squares. It would require adding a color picker (perhaps to the bottom right) and then storing the chosen color with the Bingo instance. To do this best, it would be nice to not add additional javascript dependencies.
3. Support for Cache
Currently, if the user closes the browser window, the current game and its state are lost. It would be nice to have an ability to cache a state, and then refreshing the browser would still keep the state.
4. Tags
Currently if you look in the bingo list csv files, there is a second column for tags that aren’t used. I was thinking that it would be nice to be able to load a very large file of items, and then filter down to some subset of categories.
5. Explosive Congratulations
I think that when the user fills the entire board, there should be a more explosive congratulations (confetti or small animals dancing across the screen?) I think this could be done with some kind of simple css animation, again, with preference to not add additional dependencies.
6. Saving Board
For games that aren’t done live, it would be good to allow for saving to file of the screen. I’ve done this many times, but typically with svg, so I’m open to ideas for how to best implement this for standard html/css.
7. Support for Mobile
Mobile development is usually an afterthought for me. Nuff’ said!
Thank you!
I want to say a quick thank you to A Game of Dabs on Codepen that I was able to refactor into a Vue.js application to serve a custom board. I’m terrible at JavaScript and this example was exactly what I needed to get started. That’s all folks! Have fun playing!, and if you are an #rseng please consider attending the US-RSE Virtual Workshop!
Suggested Citation:
Sochat, Vanessa. "Remote Bingo." @vsoch (blog), 11 Apr 2020, https://vsoch.github.io/2020/remote-bingo/ (accessed 22 Feb 25).