
It’s so great that you want to contribute! There are several ways to do this.

Add a Helper

You will first want to add the helper to the list in the helpme/ settings file:

HELPME_HELPERS = ["github", "uservoice"]

And add a check for your helper under helpme/main/

if   HELPME_CLIENT == 'github': from .github import Helper
elif HELPME_CLIENT == 'uservoice': from .uservoice import Helper
elif HELPME_CLIENT == 'yourname': from .yourname import Helper
else: from .github import Helper

and this will logically import the Helper class from the submodule named yourname, which you should customize for your helper. Specifically, you will want to pay close attention to the following functions:

  • load_secrets: is where you should use the various settings functions to collect variables that you have told the user to export / provide in the environment, or load from the user configuration. You should exit on error if something is missing.
  • _speak: is where you should implement any custom print message to the user at the onset of the help session. The user will by default see the name of your client with a small welcome message, and so this implementation is optional.
  • _start: is where you should implement any custom functions that need to be called after setup but before collection.
  • _submit: is where you should write code to take the dictionary, finished at the end of self.collect() to parse and upload to your helper endpoint(s) of interest.

To make writing these functions easier, it’s recommended to take one of the helpers under helpme/main/<helper> and use it as a template. Next, decide what steps you want your helper to take by writing the section in the helpme.cfg file. For information on this file, see the settings pages.

Finally, write a page in the docs folder under docs/_posts/helpers to coincide with your helper. You should write the page talking to the user and giving instruction on how to use your helper from start to finish. You can again use another helper page as a guide.

Add a Recorder

A recorder is a function in helpme/action/ that is imported as a check to the base client and then run to collect some kind of recording to save to To add a recorder, you should:

Name the record function

All recorders have functions and corresponding configuration names that begin with record_. You should follow this convention.

Write the record function

First write this function! It can be in helpme/action/ and then imported into the if desired so it will be imported into helpme/main/base/ like:

from helpme.action import record_thing

Add a config check

The recorder will be specified for use by a client given that the record_<name> is found in the configuration. Thus, you should add a check for this string in the collect() function of the HelperBase client:

# Option 3: The step is to record an asciinema!
elif step == 'record_asciinema':

Currently, the recorders are few in number, and thus provided as functions saved with the HelperBase. If the number increases or if its the case we don’t want to provide all by default, this organization can change to import the client recording functions in a more modular way.