Online Machine Learning — Where do machine learning projects and web interfaces collide? If you are like me, you are used to a traditional “batch” style of machine learning - we start with big matrices of data (with some logical way to split into... Read more
—Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me
Proposal Jekyll Template — Would it be possible to make some kind of collaborative proposals interface on GitHub pages? This last week I was helping to draft proposals, and as they moved from the “rough Google Doc” state to a “we really would like... Read more
—Interactive Development Containers — I’ve recently been interested in developer workflows. Aside from being a developer, I feel like the tooling for our community, and especially for HPC or hybrid environments, is lacking. As a simple example, let’s ask a basic question: How do... Read more
—A Community History — I recently gave a talk, “The Research Software Engineer Movement” for the EasyBuild users meeting, 2022. It seems like a fun story, but what you can’t see from watching the talk is that it took a lot of research. Specifically,... Read more