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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


Online Machine Learning Where do machine learning projects and web interfaces collide? If you are like me, you are used to a traditional “batch” style of machine learning - we start with big matrices of data (with some logical way to split into... Read more

Proposal Jekyll Template Would it be possible to make some kind of collaborative proposals interface on GitHub pages? This last week I was helping to draft proposals, and as they moved from the “rough Google Doc” state to a “we really would like... Read more

Interactive Development Containers I’ve recently been interested in developer workflows. Aside from being a developer, I feel like the tooling for our community, and especially for HPC or hybrid environments, is lacking. As a simple example, let’s ask a basic question: How do... Read more

A Community History I recently gave a talk, “The Research Software Engineer Movement” for the EasyBuild users meeting, 2022. It seems like a fun story, but what you can’t see from watching the talk is that it took a lot of research. Specifically,... Read more