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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


Caliper: Understanding Changes in Software I’ve always been really interested in the “meta” level of software development. How do developers work together on GitHub? How do libraries change over time? Can we find software that has historically been mentioned in a paper if it wasn’t... Read more

Custom Login Required in Django I wanted to extend Django’s default Login Required decorator to bypass traditional Django authentication and (given that the application was configured to do so) instead use a session based, one time token presented to the user at application start, akin... Read more

notes-jekyll Efficient work is arguably the result of process. When we can identify patterns of how we think, solve problems, or create software, we can more easily attach to those threads to make it faster the next time around. But what... Read more

The Recommend-o-matic Just about a year ago I created and wrote about the resource explorer, the idea being an interface that shows some set of options, and then allows the user to filter down to what they might be looking for. That... Read more