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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


When Things Fall Apart When things fall apart, we are first devastated. We stare at the pieces on the floor and wonder what went wrong. And eventually, we muster the strength to put them in a box. The box goes away for months, or... Read more

Multiple Types for a Mutating Admission Webhook I thought the hard part was over with webhooks with the cert-manager and correct uncommecting of YAML manifests for kustomize, but oh, was I wrong! 😆️ This took me a hot minute (about two days) to figure out so I... Read more

Kubernetes Artifact Cache I’ve been working on an idea recently that I’m very excited about, and want to pause to share. In this post I’ll summarize the problem, a potential design, and then a simple example that demonstrates the proposed solution. The Problem... Read more

Updated Software is Valued Software I’ve been deeply immersed in Kubernetes and performance analysis and workflow software, but found my mind wandering on Friday night with a very specific question: What portion of research software becomes dormant after it’s published? I will preface this saying... Read more