Controlling of Resources for Pods in Kubernetes — This story starts a few months ago, when I was having a small hackathon with Antonio and he showed me something magic. At the time, we were debugging networking for the Flux Operator, but on the cluster he had created,... Read more
—Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me
The Flux Operator Refactor — The Flux Operator is a Kubernetes operator that makes it easy to deploy Flux Framework to Kubernetes. We did this by way of an Indexed Job that was running a replicated container with Flux alongside the application of interest. There... Read more
—When Things Fall Apart — When things fall apart, we are first devastated. We stare at the pieces on the floor and wonder what went wrong. And eventually, we muster the strength to put them in a box. The box goes away for months, or... Read more
—Multiple Types for a Mutating Admission Webhook — I thought the hard part was over with webhooks with the cert-manager and correct uncommecting of YAML manifests for kustomize, but oh, was I wrong! 😆️ This took me a hot minute (about two days) to figure out so I... Read more