Shower Mishaps — As soon as eyes close, and water hits face My internal sense of direction is catapult to space. Spinning and soapy, slick as mole rat, Some omniscient Mom God is shaking her head at that. I fall through the mist,... Read more
—Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me
The Resource Explorer — I was having a chat with the amazing, the diabolical griznog, and he had an idea up his sleeve for some kind of online form where a user could make selections, and filter down to some set of resources. I... Read more
—Room 25219 — She drifted down the river toward the watering hole, her in a soft paddle and he floating on his back. It happened quickly, but gently. His bright blue eyes flashed, he took in a breath of air, and one of... Read more
—The Software Checklist — I’m working on developing Research Software Engineering Services to drive initiative to support Research Software Engineers at Stanford, and what would the effort be without having a little fun? Since learning about the value of checklists and being tickled by... Read more