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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


R Analysis in a Container I met a data scientist named Joris Muller via one of my general statistics blog feeds, and he was working on cool project to show how easy it was to make reproducible workflows. I thought this was awesome, and wanted... Read more

Pokemon Server There is a (sort of) old technology called telnet which is basically a simple messaging protocol that works through sockets. It’s not ideal in that the information sent isn’t secure, but for a little fun application running on a server... Read more

The Counting Man She pulled the papery dragon insect from her nose. It’s hyper-compressed form exploded instantly into an airy, delicate pattern of scales and space, and it flew around the room before perching on top of the bookshelf. She had been a... Read more

I made a tree! The weather outside isn’t frightful because California is delightful! Since code is all I really want to see here is a much better holiday tree! Read more