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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


Contained Environments for Software for HPC I was recently interested in doing what most research groups do, setting up a computational environment that would contain version controlled software, and easy ways for users in a group to load it. There are several strategies you can take.... Read more

Thirty Days Hath September Thirty days hath September for as long as I remember until next year, at thirty one, What things may duly come? My preponderance prodded at the Dish, why Vanessasaur, what do you wish? Thoughts climbing slopes, far up and down... Read more

The Docker APIs in Bash Docker seems to have a few different APIs, highly under development, and this state almost guarantees that mass confusion will ensue. The documentation isn’t sparse (but it’s confusing) so I want to take some time to talk through some recent... Read more