So Badly — I want it so badly, I can’t breathe. The last time I had this feeling was right after interviewing at Stanford. My heart ached for the realization that the opportunity to learn informatics was everything I had ever wanted, and... Read more
—Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me
The Academic Software Developer — To say that I have very strong feelings about standards and technology used in academic research would be a gross understatement. Our current research practices and standards for publication, sharing of data and methods, and reproducible science are embarrassingly bad,... Read more
—Artbrain — b— title: “Got Santa on the Brain?” date: 2015-12-20 4:50:01 tags: art brain — Got Santa on the Brain? We do at Poldracklab! Ladies and gentlemen, we start with a nice square Santa: We convert his colors to integer values…... Read more
—Behind Her Nose — It has been said that to fall in love is to see for the first time. The upturn of an eye is the deepest of blues emit from a single stringed instrument. The definition of mystery is a brief brush... Read more