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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


Reproducible Analyses: the MyConnectome Project Reproducibility of an analysis means having total transparency about the methods, and sharing of data so that it can be replicated by other scientists. While it used to be acceptable to detail a method in a manuscript, modern technology demands... Read more

BrainArt. No, really! There have been several cases in the last year when we’ve wanted to turn images into brains, or use images in some way to generate images. The first was for the Poldrack and Farah Nature piece on what we do... Read more

Brain Matrix I wanted to make a visualization to liken the cognitive concepts in the cognitive atlas to The Matrix, and so I made the brain matrix (without branding). Canvas was the proper choice for this fun project in that I needed... Read more

Nifti Drop The biggest challenge with developing tools for neuroimaging researchers is the sheer size of the data. A brain is like a mountain. We’ve figured out how to capture it with neuroimaging, and then store the image that we capture in... Read more