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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


Create Cytogenetic Maps from Gene Lists I have two or more lists of genes that I want to compare.  If I compare strings directly, I could run into trouble if there is slight variation (e.g., SLC6A4 vs. SLC6A9).  I could also look at functional annotation, but... Read more

Look up Probe IDs with Bioconductor This is one of those “I’ll store this here for safekeeping” posts, specifically for a snippet of code to seamlessly translate between gene probe IDs. I started doing genomic analyses at the beginning of the calendar year, 2014. Before delving... Read more

An interpretation of what constitutes a teacher What is a good interpretation of what constitutes a teacher? That was the question of interest a few days ago in an email conversation between a friend and I.  He was looking for an abstract answer, and I realized quickly... Read more