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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


Generate RSS 2.0 Feed for Files in Directory This was hard to find, so I want to share a little script for automatically generating an RSS 2.0 feed for files (with a particular extension) in a server directory.  For example, you may have a set of photos, videos,... Read more

Introduction to Gephi This is a guest post by my diabolically awesome lab-mate Maude, who is very experienced using the software Gephi to make beautiful network visualizations. ## How to use Gephi ? Here I try to describe the procedure I used in... Read more

Analysis of Affymetrix .CEL Files I’ve been working with microarray expression data from the Broad Connectivity Map, and of course decided to download raw data (to work with in R) over using their GUI. The raw data is in the form of “.CEL” files, which... Read more

Use Foursquare API to Map a Resource I wanted to test out the foursquare API, so I made a simple goal of creating a “resource density map” for a search term of interest.  Given my lab’s expertise, I chose the search term “autism.”  I first downloaded a... Read more