Cluster Validation — Unsupervised clustering can be tough in situations when we just don’t know “the right number” of clusters. In toy examples we can sometimes use domain knowledge to push us toward the right answer, but what happens when you really haven’t... Read more
—Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me
Functional Brain Network Visualization — Now that we have (finally) come up with a correlation matrix to describe the relationship of voxels across the brain, let’s explore some simple methods from graph theory. To make this analysis somewhat more simple, I’ve thresholded my brain network... Read more
—Tracing a Functional Brain Network — I’m reading about different ways to understand and process functional data, and so methods from graph theory serve as good candidates. I’m excited about these methods simply because I’ve never tried them out before. Creating the Graph Assess Correlations between... Read more
—Exploring Raw Functional MRI — I’m curious if using a mean timecourse to represent a region is a good idea or not. What I did is, for a functional timeseries with 140 timepoints, I wrote a script to mask the data for a region of... Read more