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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


Exploring Raw Structural MRI I’m happy to report that I’ve passed my Qualifying exam, and so the past week has largely been filled with what I consider “fun” work, e.g., playing with data with no pre-defined goal or purpose, and reading about methods just... Read more

Brain Podcast with Temple Grandin This is an episode of the Brain Podcast that interviews Temple Grandin, and it’s good enough that I want to share: Interview: Temple Grandin I listened to it a few days ago, but the points that stuck out as interesting... Read more

Dual Regression to Compare Functional Brain Networks I want to talk about a method that is quite popular with functional network analysis, namely to define functional networks for a group of people, and then go back and identify the same (unique) network for an individual.  This technique... Read more

Visual: Should I use a linear model? I’ve read about this trick in two places, as a way to determine if the choice of a linear model for your data is a good one.  You can plot the residuals (the squared error terms) against each of the... Read more