At the end of the summer I decided to try helping out with some teaching, and so I decided to make…

A Dinosaur Lesson!

I had to be creative, because along with being far away, I’m far from an expert. First, I needed to fashion myself a “recording studio,” consisting of a shoebox, an old iphone, my faithful SRCC robot, and one of the two tables in my apartment that happens to be my Mom’s old art table (yes, that’s paint on it, and no, it doesn’t come off):

I found some good (free) editing and recording software (kdenlive and the Open Broadcaster Software) to do it, and then jumped right in! The lesson features the Cognitive Atlas, NeuroSynth, and a little love for his brethren NeuroVault, all tools that captured me even before graduate school, and are still near and dear to my heart. For those that don’t like videos, there is a jupyter notebook to get you started with the API. It’s geared at a very introductory level to address:

  1. What are these tools?
  2. Why would I want to use them?
  3. How do I get started learning?

I had so much fun! I hope you enjoy this dinosaur lesson.

This post is dedicated to Poldracklab, still the best.


Suggested Citation:
Sochat, Vanessa. "Dinosaur Lesson: Cognitive Atlas + NeuroSynth." @vsoch (blog), 04 Sep 2018, (accessed 22 Feb 25).