I’m convinced that git is the greatest software of all time. Not only does it give you tracking of changes for your files (version control) and a collaborative platform for working on code, it also serves any kind of creative purpose that you can think of! For example, I’m finishing up a tool called watchme that uses git as a temporal database. I’m calling this “reproducible monitoring” - the user can configure a repository (called a watcher) to regularly run one or more tasks (using cron) and then save the organized results to a git repository, along with the configuration parameters to run it in the first place. Although the repository might just (superficially) show one result file at one timepoint, with git I can do some tricks to turn the repository into a temporal database that can export results over time! This means saving a series of git commits, dates, and result content. While I won’t go into the details of watchme in this post (See the documentation for details) I do want to review some of the awesome git commands that drive the watchme tool.


A lot of indexing in git is based on commits. It follows that it would be super user to get an entire list of commits, or commits after a particular index. Let’s start with a simple way to get all the commits:

$ git log --all --oneline --pretty=tformat:"%H"

Earliest and latest commits

What about if we wanted to get the earliest commit? That might look like this:

$ git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD

And what about the latest commit?

$ git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H"

Range of commits

Finally, you can get a list of commits between some range.

$ git log --all --oneline --pretty=tformat:"%H" fcddec

I added formatting to remove extra text and format on one line with the full commit for the purpose that I want to pipe this into other commands that just use the commit. You can of course check out the documntation to see the gazillion and a half options and arguments and cheeznos that you can use to customize it for your need.

Search commit messages

Okay this is the coolest function - you can search for commits with regular expressions (grep!). For example, here is an (unfortunate) string that I use sometimes…

$ git log --all --oneline --pretty=tformat:"%H" --grep "oups"

Okay not too bad, only one “oups” in this particular repo. But I assure you that there are others out there…


What about dates? You can get the date of your last commit like this:

$ git show -s --format=%ci HEAD
2019-03-26 16:31:30 -0400

The last bit (-040) is the timezone offset. Don’t believe it? Take a look at git log to verify (the one at the top):

$ git log
commit 613a9eedaa1133fac6fd3325e5ed04e25d7bd025
Author: Vanessa Sochat <vsochat@stanford.edu>
Date:   Tue Mar 26 16:31:30 2019 -0400

    updating post

If you want to look at a specific commit, just change HEAD to that commit. For example:

$ git show -s --format=%ci 75b688717d08d9364b93a4776d7f803b42cd0727
2019-03-25 13:17:47 -0400

Export Content

This is the function that makes it possible to turn a tiny git repository into a temporal database, and this drives the export function of the watchme tool. Here is what that looks like. Seriously, this is so easy and simple it’s going to be your favorite command!

# git show                                 <commit>:<filename>
$ git show 75b688717d08d9364b93a4776d7f803b42cd0727:Gemfile
source "https://rubygems.org"

#gem "rails"
gem 'github-pages'
gem 'jekyll'

Yep, it just splots it out into the terminal. You can do whatever you like with it.

All Together Now!

First, I’ll show you what an application can do to put these commands together. As an example with watchme, there is an easy way to export temporal data from a git repository. For each entry, there is a commit, a date, and then the content. The example below only shows two commits (entries). You can tell that the task is set to run on the hour.

# watchme export <watcher>   <task>           <filename>
$ watchme export system task-memory vanessa-thinkpad-t460s_vanessa.json --json
    "commits": [
    "dates": [
        "2019-04-07 15:00:02 -0400",
        "2019-04-07 14:00:02 -0400",
    "content": [
            "virtual_memory": {
                "total": 20909223936,
                "available": 6038528000,
                "percent": 71.1,
                "used": 13836861440,
                "free": 201441280,
                "active": 16094294016,
                "inactive": 3581304832,
                "buffers": 3842781184,
                "cached": 3028140032,
                "shared": 736833536
            "virtual_memory": {
                "total": 20909223936,
                "available": 6103392256,
                "percent": 70.8,
                "used": 13769531392,
                "free": 202334208,
                "active": 16014094336,
                "inactive": 3663310848,
                "buffers": 3859390464,
                "cached": 3077967872,
                "shared": 755183616

But let’s walk through how you can do simple, fun things on the command line.

Export List of Dates

Here is how you could export all the dates for your commits:

for commit in $(git log --all --oneline --pretty=tformat:"%H")
   do git show -s --format=%ci $commit

2019-04-08 11:00:02 -0400
2019-04-08 11:00:02 -0400
2019-04-08 11:00:02 -0400

Export Temporal Data

Or you could do the same, but dump results for each (be careful doing this that you don’t overwrite data files.

mkdir -p history
for commit in $(git log --all --oneline --pretty=tformat:"%H")
   do git show $commit:README.md > history/$commit.txt
$ ls history/

There you go! Your little git repo has now served as a database for (whatever your special files happen to be) and you can go to town doing some analysis with them.

As another quick mention (and final note) a developer that I admire, @cyphar, created a nice demonstration of how to rebase and squash commits. This was another thing that I wasn’t aware was so easy to do on the command line. Thanks Aleksa!

Suggested Citation:
Sochat, Vanessa. "Git Tricks." @vsoch (blog), 08 Apr 2019, https://vsoch.github.io/2019/git-tricks/ (accessed 06 Oct 24).