PAM Authentication

The pam_auth plugin allows users to login to FreeGenes using the unix accounts on the host system.

To enable PAM authentication you must:

  • Add pam_auth to the PLUGINS_ENABLED list in fg/settings/
  • Uncomment binds to /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd in docker-compose.yml
  • Build the docker image with the build argument ENABLE_PAM set to true

More detailed instructions are below.

Getting Started

This is the detailed walkthough to set up the PAM Authentication plugin.

First, uncomment “pam_auth” at the bottom of fg/settings/ to enable the login option.

#    'ldap_auth',
#    'saml_auth'

Since we need to get access to users from the host, you need to edit the docker-compose.yml and uncomment binds to your host:

  restart: always
    - .:/code
    - ./static:/var/www/static
    - ./data:/var/www/data
    # uncomment for PAM auth
    #- /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd 
    #- /etc/shadow:/etc/shadow
    - redis
    - db

If you do this, we lose the user added in the container for nginx! You also need to add the nginx user to your host:

$ sudo addgroup --system nginx
$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --system --home /var/cache/nginx --ingroup nginx nginx

Note that this solution would require restarting the container for changes on the host to take effect (for example, adding new users). If you find a better way to do this, please test and open an issue to add to this documentation.

Finally, you must build the docker image with the build argument ENABLE_PAM set to true:

$ docker build --build-arg ENABLE_PAM=true -t .