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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


Good First Issues How do you get involved in research software engineering? Well, either you can come up with your own project (arguably challenging because you depend on yourself for learning), or you find an existing project that already needs some help, and... Read more

The Natacha Bot I might possibly be disowned for this, but I’ve wanted to give a shot at making a small bot that would generate surprising, random text. The willing participant was one of my family members that has a lot of interesting... Read more

The Technology is Better Bias It’s really easy to get excited about technology. How could we not? There are immense and seemingly unbelievable developments that might happen in the near to distant future, including but not limited to medical advances to cure disease, environmental policy... Read more

The Dinosaur Dilemma A few weeks ago I interviewed an engineer for RSE Stories (note the episode isn’t released yet so I’m keeping the identity of said engineer a secret!) and she expressed that one of the first learning experiences she had in... Read more