Message of the Day: Singularity Containers — This morning we had an awesome question on the Singularity list about “motd.” The idea was simple, and given the potential for fun and helping users to understand containers, I was excited. What is motd? If you’ve ever logged into... Read more
—Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me
HelpMe Discourse You're My Only Hope... — In this one shot wonder, I give a quick rundown of the HelpMe command line client, for use with the recently upgraded Discourse board! This means that you can post a question to Discourse without leaving your command line,... Read more
—Ubuntu Dependencies — Ubuntu Package Dependencies I’ve always been obsessively interested in studying software, package managers, version control, and and general coding practices. This means I’ve spent inordinate numbers of weekend afternoons scraping Github, or trying to understand containers. If you want to... Read more
—Visualize Containers with Github Actions — Container introspection is hard. When you have a container binary, or a Dockerfile on Github, how do you see it? You might know a little bit about the base operating system and have access to see some of the files... Read more