Puzzles — Her spirit was in those puzzles, Detailed, messy, twisty, and complex, and in the process of making them, A splatter of color on the dining room table from which emerged something of beauty. They melded into the other components that... Read more
—Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me
Validation for Journal of Open Source Software — I am absolutely taken with the Journal of Open Source Software. It’s easy to submit to, and all under version control. Interaction is driven by the eternally adorable Whedon bot, and submitting a paper has gone from arduous and annoying... Read more
—Blue — Today is my last night of another one Another year past, pooped, and done To you California I said goodbye, With some joy, and some heavy sigh To you North Carolina, I said hello! And oh the places we did... Read more
—Testing Reproducible Experiments — Web based experiments must be reproducible, but what does that mean? Typically, a “best effort” might provide code on Github, and pre-register on the open science framework. This is a good start, but can we do better? For example, an... Read more