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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


Dinosaur Lesson: Cognitive Atlas + NeuroSynth At the end of the summer I decided to try helping out with some teaching, and so I decided to make… A Dinosaur Lesson! I had to be creative, because along with being far away, I’m far from an expert.... Read more

Open Source Art What happens when you combine continuous integration, deep learning, and (traditionally) disparate open source communities? This is a small project I started not even a week ago to help @nsoch that has resulted in a new kind of multi-faceted work.... Read more

More I have awareness about what I need to be happy. It’s the darkness of the closet that gives me beautiful sleep, and the softness of the few shirts that I’ve worn time and time again. I remember these things because... Read more

Build, Deploy, and Generate Manifests with CircleCI In a continued effort to make build, test, deploy, and introspection of containers as easy as possible, today I’d like to share a small project that I’m really excited about - the containershare. The containershare combines Github (version control) with... Read more